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NCEP EMC Installations

Hang-Lei-NOAA edited this page Nov 30, 2022 · 3 revisions

Official installations of hpc-stack can be found on NOAA HPC platforms.

hpc-stack uses a hierarchical module structure that starts with a generic hpc metamodule that then reveal specific compilers, MPI builds, and libraries.

Any particular stack starts with:

  1. module use \<location of stack listed below\>

  2. module avail

This will then show hpc/x.y.z

  1. module load hpc

  2. module avail

This will show the compiler/version combinations that this stack has been built with

  1. Pick a compiler/version combination such as module load hpc-intel/

This will load the respective compiler module and reveal libraries built with that compiler (including MPI)

  1. Load any necessary modules

Note that the libraries that have been built using MPI will be shown when the MPI stack is loaded.


module use /scratch2/NCEPDEV/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack


module use /apps/contrib/NCEP/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack


module use /usrx/local/nceplibs/dev/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack


module use /lfs4/HFIP/hfv3gfs/nwprod/hpc-stack/libs/modulefiles/stack


source /lustre/f2/pdata/esrl/gsd/contrib/lua-
module use /lustre/f2/pdata/ncep_shared/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack


module use /glade/p/ral/jntp/GMTB/tools/hpc-stack-v1.1.0/modulefiles/stack

WCOSS-2 (Acorn only)

module use /lfs/h1/emc/nceplibs/noscrub/hpc-stack/libs/hpc-stack/modulefiles/stack
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