This directory and its subdirectories contains code for running DOPE with ROS Noetic. The following steps assume you have installed ROS already. Alternatively, you can use the provided Docker image and skip to Step #7.
Install ROS
Follow these instructions. You can select any of the default configurations in step 1.4; even the ROS-Base (Bare Bones) package (
) is enough. -
Create a catkin workspace (if you do not already have one). To create a catkin workspace, follow these instructions:
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src # Replace `catkin_ws` with the name of your workspace $ cd ~/catkin_ws/ $ catkin_make
Download the DOPE code
$ cd ~src $ git clone $ ln -s ~/src/Deep_Object_Pose/ros1/dope ~/catkin_ws/src/dope
Install python dependencies
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src/dope $ python3 -m pip install -r ~/src/Deep_Object_Pose/requirements.txt
Install ROS dependencies
$ cd ~/catkin_ws $ rosdep install --from-paths src -i --rosdistro noetic $ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-rosbash ros-noetic-ros-comm
$ cd ~/catkin_ws $ catkin_make
Download the weights and save them to the
folder, i.e.,~/catkin_ws/src/dope/weights/
Start ROS master
$ cd ~/catkin_ws $ source devel/setup.bash $ roscore
Start camera node (or start your own camera node)
$ roslaunch dope camera.launch # Publishes RGB images to `/dope/webcam_rgb_raw`
The camera must publish a correct
topic to enable DOPE to compute the correct poses. Basically all ROS drivers have acamera_info_url
parameter where you can set the calibration info (but most ROS drivers include a reasonable default).For details on calibration and rectification of your camera see the camera tutorial.
Edit config info (if desired) in
: RGB topic to listen totopic_camera_info
: camera info topic to listen totopic_publishing
: topic namespace for publishinginput_is_rectified
: Whether the input images are rectified. It is strongly suggested to use a rectified input topic.downscale_height
: If the input image is larger than this, scale it down to this pixel height. Very large input images eat up all the GPU memory and slow down inference. Also, DOPE works best when the object size (in pixels) has appeared in the training data (which is downscaled to 400 px). For these reasons, downscaling large input images to something reasonable (e.g., 400-500 px) improves memory consumption, inference speed and recognition results.weights
: dictionary of object names and there weights path name, comment out any line to disable detection/estimation of that objectdimensions
: dictionary of dimensions for the objects (key values must match theweights
: dictionary of class ids to be used in the messages published on the/dope/detected_objects
topic (key values must match theweights
: dictionary of object colors (key values must match theweights
: dictionary of transforms that are applied to the pose before publishing (key values must match theweights
: dictionary of mesh filenames for visualization (key values must match theweights
: dictionary of scaling factors for the visualization meshes (key values must match theweights
: whether to overlay the input image on the belief images published on /dope/belief_[obj_name]thresh_angle
: undocumentedthresh_map
: undocumentedsigma
: undocumentedthresh_points
: Thresholding the confidence for object detection; increase this value if you see too many false positives, reduce it if objects are not detected.
Start DOPE node
$ roslaunch dope dope.launch [config:=/path/to/my_config.yaml] # Config file is optional; default is `config_pose.yaml`
The following ROS topics are published (assuming
topic_publishing == 'dope'
):/dope/belief_[obj_name] # belief maps of object /dope/dimension_[obj_name] # dimensions of object /dope/pose_[obj_name] # timestamped pose of object /dope/rgb_points # RGB images with detected cuboids overlaid /dope/detected_objects # vision_msgs/Detection3DArray of all detected objects /dope/markers # RViz visualization markers for all objects
is in {cracker, gelatin, meat, mustard, soup, sugar} -
To debug in RViz, run
, then add one or more of the following displays:Add > Image
to view the raw RGB image or the image with cuboids overlaidAdd > Pose
to view the object coordinate frame in 3D.Add > MarkerArray
to view the cuboids, meshes etc. in 3D.Add > Camera
to view the RGB Image with the poses and markers from above.
If you do not have a coordinate frame set up, you can run this static transformation:
rosrun tf2_ros static_transform_publisher 0 0 0 0.7071 0 0 -0.7071 world <camera_frame_id>
, where<camera_frame_id>
is theframe_id
of your input camera messages. Make sure that in RViz'sGlobal Options
, theFixed Frame
is set toworld
. Alternatively, you can skip thestatic_transform_publisher
step and directly set theFixed Frame
to your<camera_frame_id>
. -
does not find the package ([rospack] Error: package 'dope' not found
), be sure that you calledsource devel/setup.bash
as mentioned above. To find the package, runrospack find dope