Which array method to use...?
To mutuate original array;
(to add) .push .unshift
(to remove) .pop .shift .splice
(others) .reverse .sort .fill
A new array;
(compute from original) .map
(filter using condition) .filter
(protion of original) .slice
(adding original to other) .concat
(flattening the orginal) .flat .flatMap
An array index;
(based on value) .indexOf
(base don test condition) .findIndex
An array element;
- (based on test condition) .find
Know if array includes;
(based on value) .includes
(based on test condition) .some .every
A new string;
- (based on seperator string) .join
To transform to value;
- (based on accumulator) .reduce - boil down array to single value of any type
To just loop array;
- (based on callback) .forEach - does not create a new array, just loops over it