The Google Play and TestFlight uploads you will have to take my word for, but you can see that they are uploading in the Travis builds.
This is a fork of to demonstrate how to use the launch tool for building/deploying mobile apps.
"XCODE_SCHEME_NAME": "LaunchTodosExample",
"APP_IDENTIFIER": "cc.newspring.LaunchTodosExample",
"APPLE_ID": "",
"FASTLANE_PASSWORD": "password",
"KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD": "password",
"CERT_KEY_PATH": "distribution.p12",
"CERT_PASSWORD": "password",
"SLACK_URL": "",
"SLACK_ROOM": "#room",
"ANDROID_STORE_PASS": "password",
"ANDROID_KEY": "launch-todos-example",
"ANDROID_ZIPALIGN": "path/to/zipalign",
"IOS_HOCKEY_TOKEN": "token",
"PLAY_AUTH_FILE": "google-auth.json",
"GALAXY_SESSION_FILE": "deployment_token.json"
$ launch galaxy settings.json
$ launch build settings.json
$ launch hockey
$ launch testflight
$ launch playstore
tar cvf secrets.tar launch.json distribution.p12 .keystore google-auth.json deployment_token.json settings.json
travis encrypt-file secrets.tar .travis/secrets.tar.enc