IP address managenent interface using a local ConfigMap backend.
Apply the custom resource:
kubectl apply -f deploy/crd.yaml
Edit the configmap in deploy/configmap.yaml
, for example to configure the network you want to use. Then:
kubectl apply -f deploy/configmap.yaml
Then, apply the RBAC configuration and the controller itself:
kubectl apply -f deploy/rbac.yaml
kubectl apply -f deploy/deployment.yaml
The controller can be configured using the following configuration values:
- LOG_LEVEL (default: info) Log level (debug, info, ...)
- IPAM_NETWORK Use this network to serve addresses.
- NAME_TEMPLATE (default
) How the address reservations are stored internally.
To create an IP address reservation manually, create an IP address request:
apiVersion: ipam.nexinto.com/v1
kind: IpAddress
name: myip
description: My great service runs here.
Check using describe if the address was successfully assigned:
kubectl describe ipaddress myip
The Status fields should contain your address:
Name: ConfigMap.default.myip
Provider: ConfigMap
If something went wrong, an Event is created to explain why.
The IP addresses are namespaced.
The Spec supports the following fields:
- description (optional) description for this address reservation
- name (optional) name how the IP address management internally stores this address. The default is
. - ref (optional) do not create a new address; instead reuse an existing entry. Use the IPAM name (like
), not the Kubernetes object name.
To list all addresses:
kubectl get ipaddress -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{.metadata.namespace}}-{{.metadata.name}} = {{.status.address}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}'