Install Docker on your system
Get a Bluemix Account with this URL: http://ibm.biz/joinbluemix
2.1 Press # and type in your credentials
2.2 Check your email and press the validation link
2.3 #to bluemix -
Make sure you are in US South. The URL is https://console.ng.bluemix.net (besides US South there is London and Sydney)
Press Dashboard and create a space called dev
Install cloud foundry command line tools for your OS from here In Linux:
dpkg -i cf-cli-version.dep
Install ic plugin as described here Linux:
cf install-plugin https://static-ice.ng.bluemix.net/ibm-containers-linux_x64
Login to bluemix with
cf login
API endpoint is api.ng.bluemix.net
Login to Docker on bluemix with
cf ic login
(No credentials are necessary if you logged into bluemix before)
Create namespace with
cf ic namespace set <your namespace like hugo, make sure the name is unique> root@44ee147e1aa5:/# cf ic namespace set hugo FAILED { "code": "IC5090E", "description": "Cannot assign namespace hugo to org 8b826387-9960-48d6-a409-1c5347b937af. Please ensure the namespace is not already in use.", "incident_id": "df24a7aedde48fbb", "name": "NamespaceToOrgAssignError", "rc": "409", "type": "Infrastructure" } root@44ee147e1aa5:/# cf ic namespace set ottohttps://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5485387342413824/ otto
Init your docker connection with
cf ic init
Upload the susi server docker file to your namespace with
cf ic cpi fossasia/susi_server susi_server
(takes some time) -
Create docker group with: (the XXXX must be unique, play around to found a free name)
cf ic group create --name susi_server --auto --desired 2 -m 1024 -n XXXX -d mybluemix.net -p 80 registry.ng.bluemix.net/<namespace>/susi_server
- Check if your group is running either with pressing Dashboard in the browser or:
cf ic group list
- Wait until your container group is build and the network is configured (>1 minute) and
check at https://XXXX.mybluemix.net is working with your version of susi server
- Send your own bluemix susi server link to Mario in order to prove you done it