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66 lines (54 loc) · 2.22 KB

File metadata and controls

66 lines (54 loc) · 2.22 KB

Command list for .Net Core

Create new folder using CMD

* mkdir CoreDemo
* cd CoreDemo

Create solution and projects

* dotnet new sln -n=CoreDemo
* dotnet new angular -o Web
* dotnet new webapi -o WebApi
* dotnet new classlib -o ApplicationCore
* dotnet new classlib -o Infrastructure

Available project templates like web | webapi | console | classlib | mvc | xunit | angular
Here solution name will be as per folder name.

Add projects to solution file

* dotnet sln CoreDemo.sln add Web/Web.csproj
* dotnet sln CoreDemo.sln add WebApi/WebApi.csproj
* dotnet sln CoreDemo.sln add ApplicationCore/ApplicationCore.csproj
* dotnet sln CoreDemo.sln add Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj

* dotnet sln CoreDemo.sln remove Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj

Add reference of project to another project

* dotnet add Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj reference ApplicationCore/ApplicationCore.csproj
* dotnet add WebApi/WebApi.csproj reference ApplicationCore/ApplicationCore.csproj
* dotnet add WebApi/WebApi.csproj reference Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj

* dotnet remove WebApi/WebApi.csproj reference Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj

Restore / Build / Clean / Run / Publish

* dotnet restore
* dotnet build
* dotnet build --no-restore
* dotnet clean
* dotnet run --project Web/Web.csproj
* dotnet run --environment "Staging"
* dotnet publish --configuration {debug/release}
* dotnet test

Add packages for Entity framework core

* dotnet add Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer
* dotnet add Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Tools 
* dotnet add Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj package Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Design
* dotnet restore

Create context class for Entity framework core

* dotnet ef dbcontext scaffold "Server=**[server]**;Database=**[database]**;User Id=**[username]**;Password=**[password]**;Trusted_Connection=True;" Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer -d -o Data -c "**[contextname]**" --project Infrastructure/Infrastructure.csproj --startup-project WebApi/WebApi.csproj

use --force to overwrite context file.