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Demo - Kind - OVS CNI

This demo deploys a Kubernetes with 2 workers and 1 master running Spire, Network Service Mesh and a single Meridio trench using Meridio Operator. The external connectivity is provided through Multus using a Network Attachment Definition relying on Open vSwitch CNI and whereabouts IPAM CNI plugin. The traffic is attracted by a vlan connected to a gateway (also used as traffic generator).

A secondary Kind network is also created to get consumed by an OVS bridge and used for external connectivity.


Kubernetes cluster

Deploy a Kubernetes cluster with Kind

kind create cluster --config docs/demo/kind.yaml

Secondary Kind network

Create new Kind network meridio-net

docker network create -d bridge meridio-net --opt

Connect nodes to network

docker network connect meridio-net kind-control-plane
docker network connect meridio-net kind-worker
docker network connect meridio-net kind-worker2


Deploy Spire

kubectl apply -k docs/demo/deployments/spire

Deploy NSM with OVS Forwarder (supplying OVS to each worker)

helm install docs/demo/deployments/nsm-ovs --generate-name --create-namespace --namespace nsm

Setup OVS bridge

Create and configure OVS bridge br-meridio on each worker (move eth1 and its IP addresses to the bridge)

fwds=$(kubectl get pods --selector=app=forwarder-ovs -n nsm -o jsonpath={.items[*]})
for f in $fwds; do \
    echo "setup $f" && \
    ips=$(kubectl exec $f -n nsm -- ip address show dev eth1|grep inet|grep -v fe80|awk '{print $2}'|xargs) && \
    kubectl exec $f -n nsm -- ovs-vsctl add-br br-meridio && \
    kubectl exec $f -n nsm -- ovs-vsctl add-port br-meridio eth1 && \
    kubectl exec $f -n nsm -- ip link set dev br-meridio up && \
    kubectl exec $f -n nsm -- ip addr flush dev eth1 && \
    for ip in $ips; do \
        ipv="-4"; test "${ip#*:}" != "$ip" && ipv="-6"; \
        kubectl exec $f -n nsm -- ip $ipv address add $ip dev br-meridio; \
    done; \

Note: This demo does not require the IPs to be moved, and OVS bridge does not seem to require setting link state UP, so those can be skipped:

kubectl get pods --selector=app=forwarder-ovs -n nsm -o jsonpath={.items[*]}| \
    cut -d " " -f1- --output-delimiter=$'\n '| \
    xargs -I {} -- sh -c 'echo "setup {}" && kubectl exec {} -n nsm -- ovs-vsctl add-br br-meridio && \
    kubectl exec {} -n nsm -- ovs-vsctl add-port br-meridio eth1'


Install Multus

kubectl apply -f


Install OVS CNI plugin

git clone && cd ovs-cni
kubectl apply -f examples/ovs-cni.yml


Install whereabouts IPAM CNI plugin (must include dual-stack support)

git clone && cd whereabouts
kubectl apply \
    -f doc/crds/daemonset-install.yaml \
    -f doc/crds/whereabouts.cni.cncf.io_ippools.yaml \
    -f doc/crds/whereabouts.cni.cncf.io_overlappingrangeipreservations.yaml

Network Attachment Definition

Add Network Attachment Definition that uses OVS CNI to create access ports (VLAN 100). IP address allocation is ensured by whereabouts IPAM CNI plugin (exluding IPs of the gateway).

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: ""
kind: NetworkAttachmentDefinition
  name: meridio-nad
  namespace: default
  config: '{
      "cniVersion": "0.4.0",
      "name": "myovsnet",
      "plugins": [
          "name": "myovs",
          "bridge": "br-meridio",
          "vlan": 100,
          "ipam": {
            "log_file": "/tmp/whereabouts.log",
            "type": "whereabouts",
            "ipRanges": [{
              "range": "",
              "exclude": [
            }, {
              "range": "100:100::/64",
              "exclude": [


Deploy Meridio Operator

make deploy OPERATOR_NAMESPACE="red"

Install Meridio via Meridio Operator

kubectl apply -f docs/demo/multus-meridio.yaml -n red

Note: No NSE-VLAN will be deployed as part of the Attractor and no NSC container is started for stateless-lb-frontend

kubectl get pods -n red
NAME                                            READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ipam-trench-a-0                                 1/1     Running   0          13m
meridio-operator-77f47dc748-mbq89               1/1     Running   0          14m
nsp-trench-a-0                                  1/1     Running   0          13m
proxy-load-balancer-a1-8dx9l                    1/1     Running   0          13m
proxy-load-balancer-a1-8rgs9                    1/1     Running   0          13m
stateless-lb-frontend-attr-1-79787dbb8f-rhm6n   2/2     Running   0          13m
stateless-lb-frontend-attr-1-79787dbb8f-tcvpk   2/2     Running   0          13m


Install targets

helm install examples/target/deployments/helm/ --generate-name --create-namespace --namespace red --set applicationName=target-a \
    --set --set --set

External host / External connectivity

Deploy an external host (Gateway-Router) connected to the secondary Kind network

sed -e "s|\(\s*\)docker run -t -d --network=\"[0-9a-zA-Z-]\+|\1docker run -t -d --network=\"meridio-net|g" ./docs/demo/scripts/kind/ | source /dev/stdin


Connect to a external host (trench-a)

docker exec -it trench-a bash

Generate traffic

# ipv4
ctraffic -address -nconn 400 -rate 100 -monitor -stats all > v4traffic.json
# ipv6
ctraffic -address [2000::1]:5000 -nconn 400 -rate 100 -monitor -stats all > v4traffic.json


ctraffic -analyze hosts -stat_file v4traffic.json