# This docker-compose file is just here for testing version: "3.4" services: ######################################################## # WEBAPP ############################################### ######################################################## webapp: # name the image to match our image to be tested from our DockerHub repository so that it can be pulled from there, otherwise it will be created locally from the 'dockerfile' image: ocelotsocialnetwork/webapp-branded:latest ports: - 3000:3000 networks: - test-network depends_on: - backend environment: - HOST= - GRAPHQL_URI=http://backend:4000 - MAPBOX_TOKEN=pk.eyJ1IjoiYnVzZmFrdG9yIiwiYSI6ImNraDNiM3JxcDBhaWQydG1uczhpZWtpOW4ifQ.7TNRTO-o9aK1Y6MyW_Nd4g # this is still the ocelot.social mapbox token # - WEBSOCKETS_URI=ws://backend:4000/graphql # is not working and not given in Docker YAML in main repo - PUBLIC_REGISTRATION=true - INVITE_REGISTRATION=true - CATEGORIES_ACTIVE=true ######################################################## # BACKEND ############################################## ######################################################## backend: # name the image to match our image to be tested from our DockerHub repository so that it can be pulled from there, otherwise it will be created locally from the 'dockerfile' image: ocelotsocialnetwork/backend-branded:latest networks: - test-network depends_on: - neo4j ports: - 4000:4000 volumes: - backend_uploads:/app/public/uploads environment: - NEO4J_URI=bolt://neo4j:7687 - GRAPHQL_URI=http://backend:4000 - CLIENT_URI=http://localhost:3000 - JWT_SECRET=b/&&7b78BF&fv/Vd - MAPBOX_TOKEN=pk.eyJ1IjoiYnVzZmFrdG9yIiwiYSI6ImNraDNiM3JxcDBhaWQydG1uczhpZWtpOW4ifQ.7TNRTO-o9aK1Y6MyW_Nd4g # this is still the ocelot.social mapbox token - PRIVATE_KEY_PASSPHRASE=a7dsf78sadg87ad87sfagsadg78 - EMAIL_SUPPORT=support@wir.social - EMAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER=info@wir.social - PRODUCTION_DB_CLEAN_ALLOW=true # only true for production environments on staging servers - PUBLIC_REGISTRATION=true - INVITE_REGISTRATION=true - CATEGORIES_ACTIVE=true - SMTP_USERNAME=${SMTP_USERNAME} - SMTP_PASSWORD=${SMTP_PASSWORD} - SMTP_HOST=mailserver - SMTP_PORT=25 - SMTP_IGNORE_TLS=true ######################################################## # MAINTENANCE ########################################## ######################################################## maintenance: # name the image to match our image to be tested from our DockerHub repository so that it can be pulled from there, otherwise it will be created locally from the 'dockerfile' image: ocelotsocialnetwork/maintenance-branded:latest networks: - test-network ports: - 3001:80 ######################################################## # NEO4J ################################################ ######################################################## neo4j: # name the image to match our image to be tested from our DockerHub repository so that it can be pulled from there, otherwise it will be created locally from the 'dockerfile' image: ocelotsocialnetwork/neo4j-community-branded:latest networks: - test-network environment: - NEO4J_AUTH=none - NEO4J_dbms_security_procedures_unrestricted=algo.*,apoc.* - NEO4J_ACCEPT_LICENSE_AGREEMENT=yes ports: - 7687:7687 volumes: - neo4j_data:/data ######################################################## # MAILSERVER TO FAKE SMTP ############################## ######################################################## mailserver: image: djfarrelly/maildev ports: - 1080:80 networks: - test-network networks: test-network: volumes: backend_uploads: neo4j_data: