Tensorflow implementation of "Sequential Short-Text Classification with Recurrent and Convolutional Neural Networks"
- Python 3.x
- Tensorflow > 0.12
- Numpy
- Pandas
Download following files in the program root dirctory (*.../Act-Classification-with-CNN)
CSV files are generated from original DSTC2 dataset and used by the program.
For each dataset [train | dev | test]
- Generate a integraed json file from multiple json files in DSTC2 dataset.
- generate a csv file using the integrated json file.
After csv files are generated, original DSTC2 dataset files and json files generated midway can be deleted.
In the root directory:
Unzip downloaded DSTC2 dataset.
$ unzip dstc2-clean-transcriptions.zip
Unzip downloaded pretrained embeddings into data directory.
$ unzip glove.txt.zip -d glove
Run data_generator.py.
$ python3 data_generator.py -a
(Optional) Delete unnecessary files.
$ rm -r dstc2-simpleacts flist _json
After following the guideline, the directory structure will look like:
├── csvs
│ ├── act.csv (generated csv file)
│ ├── train.csv (generated csv file)
│ ├── dev.csv (generated csv file)
│ └── test.csv (generated csv file)
├── glove
│ └── glove.txt (pretrained embedding)
├── data_generator.py
├── DataHelper.py
├── model.py
├── train.py
├── eval.py
└── utils.py
Print parameters:
$ python3 train.py --help
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--train_data_file TRAIN_DATA_FILE
Data source for the train data.
--dev_data_file DEV_DATA_FILE
Data source for the dev data.
--act_data_file ACT_DATA_FILE
Data source for the act data.
--embed_size EMBED_SIZE
Dimensionality of character embedding (default: 300)
--filter_size FILTER_SIZE
Filter sizes (default: 3)
--num_filters NUM_FILTERS
Number of filters per filter size (default: 500)
--dropout_keep_prob DROPOUT_KEEP_PROB
Dropout keep probability (default: 0.5)
--history_size1 HISTORY_SIZE1
History size of first FNN layer (default: 2)
--history_size2 HISTORY_SIZE2
History size of second FNN layer (default: 1)
--allow_soft_placement [ALLOW_SOFT_PLACEMENT]
Allow device soft device placement
--log_device_placement [LOG_DEVICE_PLACEMENT]
Log placement of ops on devices
--num_epochs NUM_EPOCHS
Number of training epochs (default: 150)
--evaluate_every EVALUATE_EVERY
Evaluate model on dev set after this many steps (default: 233550)
--checkpoint_every CHECKPOINT_EVERY
Save model after this many steps (default: 233550)
--num_checkpoints NUM_CHECKPOINTS
Number of checkpoints to store (default: 10)
--num_classes NUM_CLASSES
Number of output act classes (default:23)
--max_sentence_len MAX_SENTENCE_LEN
Max sentence length (default:30)
--vocab_size VOCAB_SIZE
Vocabulary size (default:400000)
--glove GLOVE Using glove (default:True)
$ python3 train.py
$ python3 eval.py --checkpoint_dir="./runs/150437919/checkpoints/"
- act_accuracy.csv : This file contains [ number of labels | number of predictions | correct prediction | recall | precision | f1score | remark ] for each act.
- prediction.csv : This file contains [ model's predictions | actual answers ] for each sentence. If you want to see only the wrong samples, set the answer column to the filter column and check the zero label sample.
- Ji Young Lee et al., Sequential Short-Text Classification with Reccurent and Convolutional Neural Networks, 2016
- DSTC2_handbook http://camdial.org/~mh521/dstc/downloads/handbook.pdf
- GloVe https://nlp.stanford.edu/pubs/glove.pdf