- Screen Patio is not conditioned.
- Eliminate the return ducts? Can we just use the rooms/corridors to return air to main trunks?
- Route bathroom exhausts up to roof
- combine exhaust stacks as much as possible. Desapex: Okay this can be done
- 3 exhaust penetrations on roof?
- combine exhaust stacks as much as possible. Desapex: Okay this can be done
- Okay to narrow plenum duct out of furnace to make room for stair? Desapex :Will reduce as much as possible
- Move supply duct closer to east facing storefront to counteract cold drafts. Desapex:All floors ???
- Also Include radiant heat along east facing storefront on 2nd floor. Desapex : We shall discuss on this
- Might be valued engineered out, but include for permit set. Desapex : We shall discuss on this
- Also Include radiant heat along east facing storefront on 2nd floor. Desapex : We shall discuss on this
- Rerouted refrigerant lines to compressor . Desapex : This can be done the way required.
- see ModelsARCHs HVAC Proposal.rvt file for other spatial/configuration proposals.Desapex : okay