Learning Objectives:
LO10a: To understand the needs of different stakeholder groups in scholarly communication, and the impact that Open Science can have on them.
LO10b: To be able to translate your knowledge into an effective program or tool for external engagement.
What does it mean to be an 'advocate' for Open Science.
Advocating for your own rights as an author.
The basic steps for achieving local culture change (e.g., Kotter's 8-step change model of management).
Advocating to your peers, including writing letters and articles advocating for Open Science.
Talking to journal editors - catalysing the Open Access conversation within your field.
Talking to policymakers about Open Science.
Building or joining an Open Science community.
Effective leadership and training in Open Science, and empowering others to make change.
Individuals: Josh Bolick (and colleagues, see the rebuttal article below), Johan Rooryck, April Clyburne-Sherin, Nick Shockey, Joseph McArthur, Heather Joseph, Nicole Allen, Erin McKiernan.
Organisations: R2RC, SPARC, Creative Commons, IGDORE.
Other: Country specific advocacy groups (e.g., AOASG, Open Access Nigeria), OpenCon.
Why Open Research?, Erin Mckiernan.
Open Speakers Database, a crowdsourced database of regional experts on Open Access, Open Education and Open Data.
Women Working in Openness database, Vicky Steeves.
Starting Open Projects From Scratch (CC0, Crowdsourced by OpenCon attendees).
Open Research Advocacy Train-the-Trainer (CC0, by April Clyburne-Sherin).
Train the Trainer workshop, Allegra Via and Patricia Palagi.
Leiden University Centre for Innovation toolkit.
Open Science Leadership Workshop, Mozilla Science Lab.
Advocating for transparency policies - a toolkit for researchers, staff, and librarians (FSCI2017).
Advocating Open Access - a toolkit for librarians and research support staff (UCL).
Making an Impact with Open Science, TU Delft course.
SPARC author addendum, to help advocate for your own rights as an author with a scholarly journal.
Open Science course, Puneet Kishoor (CC0).
Academic job offers that mentioned Open Science, Felix Sch?nbrodt and David Mellor.
Research Articles and Reports
Open letter to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (Tennant et al., 2014).
When will 'open science' simply become 'science'? (Watson, 2015).
How open science helps researchers succeed (McKiernan et al., 2016).
How open access is crucial to the future of science (Bolick et al., 2017).
Open Science challenges, benefits and tips in early career and beyond (Allen and Mehler, 2018).
A grand challenges-based research agenda for scholarly communication and information (Altman and Bourg, 2018).
Answers to 18 questions about Open Science practices (Banks et al., 2018).
A layered framework for considering Open Science practices (Bowman and Keene, 2018).
Effective Practices and Strategies for Open Access Outreach: A Qualitative Study (Dawson, 2018).
Key posts
An early career researcher's view on modern and open scholarship, Laurent Gatto.
Lingua is dead. Long live Glossa!, Eric Bakovia.
The Open Access movement and activism for the knowledge commons, Jackie Smith.
Defending the global knowledge commons, Jackie Smith.
Racing to the crossroads of scholarly communication and democracy: But who are we leaving behind?, April Hathcock.
IGDORE, Institute for Globally Distributed Open Research and Education.
The global benefits of open research, collection edited by Martin Rittman.
Open Access escape room, Katrine Sundsbø.
How to be an Open Scientist, University of Camerino
National Open Science Plans:
National Plan Open Science (Netherlands).
Ciência Aberta (Portugal).
Open Science and Research (Finland).
Open science guides: How universities promote putting it into practice, ZBW Mediatalks.
Challenges and strategies for the success of Open Science, FOSTER.
Open science and its advocacy (FOSTER).
FOSTER Plus: Supporting the practical adoption of Open Science (LIBER).
Strengthen Advocacy Capacity (PATH).
OpenCon blog posts from participants.
Geo for All teaching resources.
Tag libraries from the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP):
Oa.best_practices; oa.data; oa.ecr; oa.incentives; oa.obstacles; oa.open_science; oa.policies; oa.reproducibility; oa.south; oa.stem.
Each one grows in real time; each one is available in HTML, RSS, Atom, and JSONP; each one is open to additions from anyone, and the project welcomes volunteer taggers; there are similar feeds on disciplines (e.g., oa.anthropology, oa.biology, oa.chemistry) and countries and regions (e.g., oa.africa, oa.brazil, oa.china); these are just a few of hundreds of OATP feeds.
Write a letter to your local political representative about why you think research is important.
- What do politicians care about? Use this context to empathise with them and deliver your message effectively.
Send an email to an editor (or editorial board) of a 'closed access' journal in your field to start the OA conversation.
- Is the journal OA already (or 'hybrid')? How much are APCs for it? Are there any cheaper alternatives they might not be aware of?
Does your research institute have a magazine, forum, or newsletter? Write a letter/post for it in support of Open Science.
Draft your own email template reply for requests to peer review about how you only review for OA journals.
- Re-use/base it on ones out there already. What has worked or not worked so well in the past?
Outline opportunity costs for your university administrators on role of Open Science in hiring, tenure and promotion guidelines.
- Outline concrete solutions and benefits Open Science can deliver for current headaches university administrators may struggle with.
Find your local Open Science advocacy group and volunteer for them!
Does one not exist yet? Why not start one! Local groups are a great way to meet like-minded individuals and work together.
Having a webpage like Meetup can help keep people engaged and aware of meetings.