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Glenn Piludu edited this page Oct 8, 2022 · 17 revisions

Amplify Components

The Amplify app has a number of Vue components, which are documented here. Check back frequently for the most recent information. To report errata or suggest changes, email or message Glenn on Slack.


This component renders when a user completes the check-out process after generating a campaign letter. It will show the letter delivery date, the donation amount, and other campaign-related sub-components. Because Stripe payments require a redirect away from Amplify, this component will use the sessionId query parameter from Stripe to restore local state, which is stored in a user's Local Storage.

Importantly, this component is also responsible for creating a transaction record for the previously complete check-out.

Props: none.


  • loading boolean: If true, a loading animation will render while the transaction is recorded and campaign letter are generated.
  • email string: User's email address. Returned by the back-end when a transaction is recorded but currently has no use.
  • amount number: The amount of a user's campaign donation, in cents. Returned from createTransactionRecord (which it gets from the Stripe API). Shown in success message.
  • expectedDeliveryDate string: The expected campaign letter delivery date returned from LOB API.
  • congressMembers array of objects: List of congress people to display in subcomponent. Currently not implemented.

Computed Properties:

  • donationAmount number: amount converted from cents to dollars.
  • selectedRep string: Returns from local state the Representative that was selected during the campaign letter generation process.
  • userData object: Returns from local state user data to send to LOB API.
  • letterId string: Returns from local state the campaign letter template id for LOB.
  • lobReturnAddressId string: Returns from local state the return address id generated during the letter creation process.


  • createTransactionRecord(sessionId: string): void
    • Verifies Stripe payment on the Amplify back-end and records the transaction into Amplify's database. Returns nothing, but modifies amount and email data attributes.
  • createCampaignLetter(sessionId: string): void
    • Creates a campaign letter with LOB. Returns nothing, but modifies expectedDelieryDate and loading data attributes.


  • CompletePage.vue


This component defines the footer of Amplify. It should hold important legalese, as well as site navigation and social media links.

Props: none.


  • icons string[ ]: A list of icon identifiers for social media buttons.

Computed Properties: none.

Methods: none.


  • Home.vue
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