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OpenXT Build Machine

Ross Philipson edited this page Sep 25, 2015 · 7 revisions

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Debian Squeeze i386 instructions

The recommended OpenXT build environment is 32-bit debian squeeze. The following Debian Squeeze packages are needed before building:

sudo apt-get install make gcc automake git-core bcc ruby genisoimage libglib2.0-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libc6-dev initramfs-tools gzip bzip2 g++ file flex bison bin86 gawk rsync iasl ccache gettext libxml-parser-perl libpci-dev smbclient unzip help2man diffstat texi2html texinfo cvs subversion python2.5-dev sun-java6-jdk python-flup python-setuptools python-routes makeself wget build-essential coreutils libsdl1.2-dev docbook-utils diffstat x11-xserver-utils quilt x11proto-core-dev xsltproc xutils-dev expect lib64gcc1 libc6-dev-amd64 genext2fs python-simplejson python-psycopg2 guilt debootstrap ghc gfortran xz-utils zip libtool cproto indent chrpath reprepro lintian

For those that are using 64-bit and/or newer distros, one way to get a debian squeeze build environment up and running is using linux containers (LXC).

You may follow the instructions to configure LXC, available at:

Debian Jessie x64 instructions

Setup cgroup:

sudo sh -c "echo cgroup /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup defaults 0 0 >> /etc/fstab"

sudo mount /sys/fs/cgroup

Install required packages:

sudo aptitude install lxc

sudo aptitude install bridge-utils libvirt-bin debootstrap

Build 32-bit squeeze container:

sudo MIRROR= lxc-create -n openxt-buildvm-i386 -t debian -- --arch i386 --release squeeze

Setup NAT networking for container:

sudo apt-get install libvirt-bin

sudo virsh net-start default

sudo sed -i 's/\ =.*/\ =\ veth/g' /var/lib/lxc/openxt-buildvm-i386/config

sudo sh -c 'echo " = up" >> /var/lib/lxc/openxt-buildvm-i386/config'

sudo sh -c 'echo " = virbr0" >> /var/lib/lxc/openxt-buildvm-i386/config'

Start the container:

sudo lxc-start --name openxt-buildvm-i386

Login to the container with root/root

Setup networking

sudo dhclient eth0

Get the required packages installed:

apt-get install vim sed wget cvs subversion git-core coreutils unzip texi2html texinfo docbook-utils gawk python-pysqlite2 diffstat help2man make gcc build-essential g++ desktop-file-utils chrpath cpio sudo rpm curl

apt-get install ghc guilt iasl quilt bin86 bcc libsdl1.2-dev liburi-perl genisoimage policycoreutils unzip

Add your user account:

adduser yourusername

Fixup default shell to bash (arrow over to 'No' and press enter when prompted):

dpkg-reconfigure dash

Verify above command set /bin/sh link correctly:

$ ls -l /bin/sh

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Jul 23 11:13 /bin/sh -> bash

Fake uname output for packages using it (cough) xen-tools (cough):

mv /bin/uname /bin/uname.real

echo '#!/bin/bash' > /bin/uname

echo '/bin/uname.real $@ | sed 's/amd64/i686/g' | sed 's/x86_64/i686/g'' >> /bin/uname

chmod +x /bin/uname

Switch to your user account:

su yourusername

Download the repo:

git clone git://

cd openxt

cp example-config .config

Generate certs:

mkdir certs # make a certs directory inside the openxt directory

openssl genrsa -out certs/prod-cakey.pem 2048

openssl genrsa -out certs/dev-cakey.pem 2048

openssl req -new -x509 -key certs/prod-cakey.pem -out certs/prod-cacert.pem -days 1095

openssl req -new -x509 -key certs/dev-cakey.pem -out certs/dev-cacert.pem -days 1095

Fixup cert paths in .config:





Make output directory:

mkdir ~/openxt-build

Setup OE:

./ -s setupoe

Make sure OE builds for x32 (running kernel uname shows x86_64):

echo 'BUILD_ARCH="i686"' >> ~/openxt/build/conf/local.conf

Kick off build:

./ -d ~/openxt-build | tee -a build.log