This is a 2021 fork of babel-plugin-file-loader by @sheerun
and is a temporary shim that fixes importing SVGs from node_modules
until the original plugin is updated. see issue #8 for more information.
yarn add @openovate/babel-plugin-file-loader
Or if you like npm:
npm install @openovate/babel-plugin-file-loader --save
Then put following @openovate/babel-plugin-file-loader
as plugin in .babelrc
"plugins": ["@openovate/babel-plugin-file-loader"]
This is equivalent to following default configuration:
"plugins": [
"name": "[hash].[ext]",
"extensions": ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "svg"],
"publicPath": "/public",
"outputPath": "/public",
"context": "",
"limit": 0
In Babel. (.babelrc)
"plugins": [
"extensions": ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "svg"],
"name": "[md5:hash:base64:7].[ext]",
"publicPath": "/public/assets"
In webpack using file-loader. (webpack.config.js)
module: {
rules: [
test: /\.(png|jpe?g|gif|svg)$/i,
use: [
loader: 'file-loader',
options: {
name: '[md5:hash:base64:7].[ext]',
publicPath: '/public/assets',
outputPath: 'assets'
See the original (babel-plugin-file-loader) documentation.