layout | title |
layout.njk |
Picture |
{% container responsive, container %}
A component for responsive image.
{% picture responsive, "image_src", "image_alt" %}
There is 3 params:
responsive: current obj with main params for gaps, responsive layout grid, site max-width, main users device screens. Usually, it is file "responsive.json" with path: "./data/responsive.json". If this file is not defined in project, obj data with default params will be taken from responsive.json with path: "./node_modules/lib/data/responsive.json".
In file ".eleventy.js" at the root of the site you need to define data from the lib package: {% buffer responsive, custom_buffer %}
const lib = require("lib");
{% endBuffer %}
And add global data to this project.
{% buffer responsive, custom_buffer %}
eleventyConfig.addGlobalData("responsive", lib.libData);
{% endBuffer %}
image_src: path to your source image. You can use svg, png or jpg/jpeg formats. Source image have be in high resolution - img plugin cannot upscale your image for output images with a size above.
image_alt: alt text for img.
Depending on the format of the source, you will get results like this:
{% buffer responsive, custom_buffer %} {% picture responsive, "img/picture/image-3.svg", "Svg example" %} {% endBuffer %}
{% buffer responsive, custom_buffer %} {% picture responsive, "img/picture/image-2.png", "Png example" %} {% endBuffer %}
{% buffer responsive, custom_buffer %} {% picture responsive, "img/picture/image-1.jpg", "Jpg example" %} {% endBuffer %}
{% endContainer %}
{% container responsive, container %}
{% customContainer custom_container %} {% picture responsive, "img/picture/image-1.jpg", "Jpg example" %} {% endContainer %}
{% endContainer %}