A web-site with additional pipelines and data processing that allow to browse and analyze data received from freedom of information requests sent by a group of Israeli lawyers and organizations.
The site is available here: https://www.odata.org.il/en/
- Verify Python version, it should be Python 2.7:
python --version
- Install Python virtualenv:
sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
- Install Docker & Docker Compose
mkdir venv
virtualenv --no-site-packages venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install setuptools==36.1
pip install -e 'git+https://github.com/hasadna/ckan.git@master#egg=ckan'
pip install -r venv/src/ckan/requirements.txt
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec -u postgres db createuser -S -D -R -P ckan_default
docker-compose exec -u postgres db createdb -O ckan_default ckan_default -E utf-8
mkdir venv/etc
paster make-config ckan venv/etc/development.ini
ln -s `pwd`/venv/src/ckan/who.ini `pwd`/venv/etc/who.ini
mkdir venv/storage
Edit the created config file (venv/etc/development.ini
) and set the following:
sqlalchemy.url = postgresql://ckan_default:pass@
solr_url =
ckan.site_url = http://localhost:5000
ckan.storage_path = /absolute/path/to/venv/storage
Create the DB tables:
cd venv/src/ckan
paster db init -c `pwd`/../../etc/development.ini
Install the odata plugin:
pip install -r ckan/requirements-odata.txt
pip install -e ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il
Edit the configuration (venv/etc/development.ini
) and add odata_org_il
to ckan.plugins
docker-compose up -d
. venv/bin/activate
( cd venv/src/ckan && paster serve `pwd`/../../etc/development.ini )
Create admin user
( cd venv/src/ckan && paster sysadmin add admin -c `pwd`/../../etc/development.ini )
See the Installing CKAN 2.8 Documentation to get a local CKAN installed for development.
For development it's recommended to install CKAN from source.
Install the odata plugin:
- Install dependencies:
pip install -r /path/to/data4dappl/ckan/requirements-odata.txt
- Install the package:
pip install -e /path/to/data4dappl/ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il
- Edit the configuration (E.g. /etc/ckan/default/development.ini)
- add odata_org_il to ckan.plugins
- restart ckan
This method is more complex but allows to get an environment which is almost identical to the production environment.
Fork and clone hasadna/hasadna-k8s and follow the odata chart docs to setup a minikube environment.
The following script builds local docker image, send to minikube and starts port forwarding
docker build -t odata-ckan ckan &&\
bin/minikube_patch_image.sh ckan odata-ckan &&\
bin/minikube_port_forward.sh ckan 5000
Ckan should be available at http://localhost:5000
To speedup update of the ckan pod, you can set lower termination grace period
bin/minikube_kubectl.sh get deployment ckan -o yaml \
| sed 's/terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30/terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 1/g' \
| bin/minikube_kubectl.sh replace -f -
For even faster development flow, you can run ckan locally but connect to the minikube infrastructure
The following command creates a ckan configuration file at ckan/development-local.ini (if it doesn't exist)
It then starts port forwards for all the infrastructure ports to localhost
You can delete the ckan deployment: kubectl delete deployment ckan
We use pipenv to manage the virtualenv and handle the dependencies
Install the required dependencies
Start ckan
pipenv run gunicorn --paste ckan/development-local.ini
Ckan is available at http://localhost:5000
Rebuild the search index
pipenv run paster --plugin=ckan search-index -c ckan/development-local.ini rebuild
Translations are done in Transifex:
- Translations of core CKAN strings: https://www.transifex.com/the-public-knowledge-workshop/hasadna-ckan
- Translations of odata specific strings: https://www.transifex.com/the-public-knowledge-workshop/odata-org-il
Changes to core ckan are managed in hasadna/ckan.
Unique strings which are relevant only for odata are managed locally in the odata-org-il extension.
Update the .pot file - should be done in case of additional / modified strings in the templates
( cd ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il && python setup.py extract_messages )
Edit the .pot file and remove core ckan strings (which are there only because of extending core ckan templates)
Leave only strings unique to odata
Push the pot file to transifex
( cd ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il && tx push --source )
Translate and update the translations in transifex
Pull updated transifex translations
( cd ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il && tx pull -fl he,ar )
Compile mo files:
msgfmt -o ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il/ckanext/odata_org_il/i18n/ar/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-odata_org_il.mo \
ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il/ckanext/odata_org_il/i18n/ar/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-odata_org_il.po &&\
msgfmt -o ckan/ckanext-odata_org_il/ckanext/odata_org_il/i18n/he/LC_MESSAGES/ckanext-odata_org_il.mo \