We're using https://semver.org/
- Add a function that enables us refresh a badge's metadata by emitting an event
- Add revocation and reinstatement of badges
- Added MetadataUpdate event in Raft.sol when setTokenURI is called
Update Solidity version in Raft.sol
Live contracts on Optimism
Live contracts on Goerli
Refactor SpecDataHolder and Badges to use interfaces instead of importing whole contracts
uncomment constructor in Badges
improve consistency with variable naming
Live contracts on Optimism
Live contracts on Goerli
- Added
to repo - Live contracts on Optimism
- Live contracts on Optimism
- Initial release on Optimism
- Contracts upgradeable using UUPS pattern
- Add unit tests with Forge
- Fix security vulnerabilites
- Live contracts on Optimism
- Live contracts on Goerli
- Make contracts upgradeable
- Seprate spec-related data to SpecDataHolder
- Move logic of ERC-4973 into Badges.sol (ERC-4973 is no longer a dependency)
- Move deployments over to Goerli
- Badges Goerli deployment: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xde30567ebA075D622da01D0836aFcc4356dB9dEC
- Raft Goerli deployment: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0xA32Ef0ED6B60dD406f37f31D40044AD8F6530bbe
- SpecDataHolder Goerli deployment: https://goerli.etherscan.io/address/0x562AD9882B50AB12C445c5b0e30acBE02c09b7F9
- Add Raft token
- Add Rinkeby deployment/verification scripts for Badges and Raft token
- Improve integration tests
- Badges Rinkeby deployment: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x9323497dc6f24df13fcd09d71bb17efa47b659e3
- Rinkeby deployment: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x19020014ef77c5dce4fbcf97c2e3d6e67a616fc6
- Introduced Hardhat support
- Using Solidity 0.8.15
- Using Yarn instead of npm
- Rinkeby deployment: https://rinkeby.etherscan.io/address/0x19020014ef77c5dce4fbcf97c2e3d6e67a616fc6
- Replacing
withmintWithPermission`` from
ERC4973Permit` BadgeVendorFactory
are no longer existing in this version
- Added
and deployed to Rinkeby - (breaking) In
constructor use simple primitive types instead of struct.
Publishing now to @otterspace-xyz org.
First release that makes contracts available on npm. It allows, e.g. importing the contract ABI as follows:
import Badges from "@otterspacexyz/contracts/out/Badges.sol/Badges.json" assert { type: "json" };
We mark this release as breaking as the contract structure very much
changed. Now, a BadgeVendor.issuer
has to sign messages that can be used to
call Badges.mint
- Initial release on mainnet