This document describes the high-level flow of interactions and the sequence diagram of the plugin interactions in the OPA plugins architecture.
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graph LR
A[Backstage] --> B[Permissions Framework]
B --> C[OPA Permissions Wrapper Plugin]
C --> D[OPA]
D --> C
C --> B
B --> A
This flowchart represents the high-level flow of interactions between the different components in the OPA plugins architecture on the new backend system.
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participant User
participant Backstage App
participant permission-backend-module-opa-wrapper
participant opaClient
participant OPA Server
User->>Backstage App: Makes a request
Backstage App->>permission-backend-module-opa-wrapper: evaluatePolicy(permissionRequest)
permission-backend-module-opa-wrapper->>opaClient: evaluatePolicy(permissionRequest)
opaClient->>OPA Server: POST /v1/data/{opaEntryPoint}
OPA Server-->>opaClient: PolicyEvaluationResult
opaClient-->>permission-backend-module-opa-wrapper: Return evaluation result
permission-backend-module-opa-wrapper-->>Backstage App: Return evaluation result
Backstage App-->>User: Return response