Simple MIDI foot controller made with an arduino and an external 3 buttons footswitch (type Digitech FS3X).
- Input Jack for a 3 switches controller (type Digitech FS3X)
- Output Jack MIDI TRS-A
- OLED Display
The controller is sending Program Change (PC) instructions on MIDI Channel 1.
Pressing MODE button is actually sending the Program Change (PC) to the MIDI output. It will display in big the PC number its sending, and remove the small one at the top right of the screen. Selecting the PC number is done by pressing UP and DOWN buttons.
Pressing UP or DOWN button will define which PC send when we will press the MODE button. OLED will display in big the next PC, while displaying the current PC in small at the top right of the screen.
WARNING: UP or DOWN will NOT send the PC instruction. It will just select it for pressing MODE.
brew install arduino-cli
arduino-cli core install arduino:avr
arduino-cli lib install SD
arduino-cli compile --fqbn arduino:avr:pro midi-controller
Find port where board is connected
arduino-cli board list
arduino-cli upload -p /dev/cu.usbserial-1420 --fqbn arduino:avr:pro midi-controller