- actor
- boundary
- control
- entity
- database
- collections
!include <aws/common>
!include <aws/Storage/AmazonS3/AmazonS3>
!include <aws/Storage/AmazonS3/bucket/bucket>
participant "<color:red><$bucket>" as one
participant "<$bucket>" as two
one -> two
two --> one
- skinparam defaultTextAlignment center
- skinparam titleFontSize 24
- skinparam Linetype polyline, ortho
- skinparam nodesep 10
- skinparam ranksep 20
- c4 -[norank]-> c2
- use
!pragma layout elk
to simplify layout with Eclipse Layout Kernel
@startuml Embed Images Into Diagram
'Define sprite first and point it to existing file (here assumtion is that file exists in the same directory as *.puml file)
'Create sprite
sprite tux triangle.png
'Declare participant as sprite
participant "Hello <$tux>" as hello
'Use it as embedded image anywhere in text (this uses creole engine)
hello->World : I am a triangle <$tux>, who are you?
IMPORTANT this will NOT render correctly in VS Code Plugin Preview.