- Managed Deployment by Portkey for quick setup without infrastructure concerns
- Local Deployment for complete control & customization
- Enterprise Deployment for advanced features and dedicated support
Portkey runs this same Gateway on our API and processes billions of tokens daily. Portkey's API is in production with companies like Postman, Haptik, Turing, MultiOn, SiteGPT, and more.
# for the free developer plan here or discuss here for enterprise deployments.
Check out the API docs here.
- Run through NPX or BunX Install
- Run a Node.js Server
- Deploy using Docker
- Deploy using Docker Compose
- Deploy on Cloudflare Workers
- Deploy on App Stack
- Deploy on Replit
- Deploy on Zeabur
$ npx @portkey-ai/gateway
$ bunx @portkey-ai/gateway
F5 Distributed Cloud
Retrieve the global kubeconfig
export DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT=mytenantname
# find tenant id in the F5 Distributed Cloud GUI at
# Account -> Account Settings -> Tenant Overview -> Tenant ID
export DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT_ID=mytenantnamewithextensionfoundintheconsole
# create an API token in the F5 Distributed Cloud GUI at
# Account -> Account Settings -> Credentials -> Add Credentials
# set Credential Type to API Token, not API Certificate
export DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_SITE_NAME=appstacksitename
export DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_NAMESPACE=mydistributedcloudnamespace
# adjust the expiry date to a time no more than 90 days in the future
export KUBECONFIG_CERT_EXPIRE_DATE="2021-09-14T09:02:25.547659194Z"
export PORTKEY_GATEWAY_FQDN=the.host.nameof.theservice
export PORTKEY_PROVIDER=openai
export PORTKEY_PROVIDER_AUTH_TOKEN=authorizationtoken
curl --location --request POST 'https://$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT.console.ves.volterra.io/api/web/namespaces/system/sites/$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_SITE_NAME/global-kubeconfigs' \
--header 'Authorization: APIToken $DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' \
--header 'x-volterra-apigw-tenant: $DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT'\
--data-raw '{"expirationTimestamp":"$KUBECONFIG_CERT_EXPIRE_DATE"}'
Save the response in a YAML file for later use.
more detailed instructions for retrieving the App Stack kubeconfig file
- Copy the deployment YAML
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Portkey-AI/gateway/main/deployment.yaml
- Apply the manifest
export KUBECONFIG=path/to/downloaded/global/kubeconfig/in/step/two
# apply the file downloaded in step 3
kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
- Create Origin Pool
# create origin pool
curl --request POST \
--url https://$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT.console.ves.volterra.io/api/config/namespaces/$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_NAMESPACE/origin_pools \
--header 'authorization: APIToken $DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"metadata": {"name": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_SERVICE_NAME","namespace": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_NAMESPACE","labels": {},"annotations": {},"description": "","disable": false},"spec": {"origin_servers": [{"k8s_service": {"service_name": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_SERVICE_NAME.$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_APP_STACK_NAMESPACE","site_locator": {"site": {"tenant": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT_ID","namespace": "system","name": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_APP_STACK_SITE"}},"inside_network": {}},"labels": {}}],"no_tls": {},"port": 8787,"same_as_endpoint_port": {},"healthcheck": [],"loadbalancer_algorithm": "LB_OVERRIDE","endpoint_selection": "LOCAL_PREFERRED","advanced_options": null}}'
or use the UI 5. Create an HTTP Load Balancer, including header injection of Portkey provider and credentials
curl --request POST \
--url https://$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT.console.ves.volterra.io/api/config/namespaces/$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_NAMESPACE/http_loadbalancers \
--header 'authorization: APIToken $DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_API_TOKEN' \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"metadata": {"name": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_SERVICE_NAME","namespace": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_NAMESPACE","labels": {},"annotations": {},"description": "","disable": false},"spec": {"domains": ["$PORTKEY_GATEWAY_FQDN"],"https_auto_cert": {"http_redirect": true,"add_hsts": false,"tls_config": {"default_security": {}},"no_mtls": {},"default_header": {},"enable_path_normalize": {},"port": 443,"non_default_loadbalancer": {},"header_transformation_type": {"default_header_transformation": {}},"connection_idle_timeout": 120000,"http_protocol_options": {"http_protocol_enable_v1_v2": {}}},"advertise_on_public_default_vip": {},"default_route_pools": [{"pool": {"tenant": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_TENANT_ID","namespace": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_NAMESPACE","name": "$DISTRIBUTED_CLOUD_SERVICE_NAME"},"weight": 1,"priority": 1,"endpoint_subsets": {}}],"origin_server_subset_rule_list": null,"routes": [],"cors_policy": null,"disable_waf": {},"add_location": true,"no_challenge": {},"more_option": {"request_headers_to_add": [{"name": "x-portkey-provider","value": "$PORTKEY_PROVIDER","append": false},{"name": "Authorization","value": "Bearer $PORTKEY_PROVIDER_AUTH_TOKEN","append": false}],"request_headers_to_remove": [],"response_headers_to_add": [],"response_headers_to_remove": [],"max_request_header_size": 60,"buffer_policy": null,"compression_params": null,"custom_errors": {},"javascript_info": null,"jwt": [],"idle_timeout": 30000,"disable_default_error_pages": false,"cookies_to_modify": []},"user_id_client_ip": {},"disable_rate_limit": {},"malicious_user_mitigation": null,"waf_exclusion_rules": [],"data_guard_rules": [],"blocked_clients": [],"trusted_clients": [],"api_protection_rules": null,"ddos_mitigation_rules": [],"service_policies_from_namespace": {},"round_robin": {},"disable_trust_client_ip_headers": {},"disable_ddos_detection": {},"disable_malicious_user_detection": {},"disable_api_discovery": {},"disable_bot_defense": {},"disable_api_definition": {},"disable_ip_reputation": {},"disable_client_side_defense": {},"csrf_policy": null,"graphql_rules": [],"protected_cookies": [],"host_name": "","dns_info": [],"internet_vip_info": [],"system_default_timeouts": {},"jwt_validation": null,"disable_threat_intelligence": {},"l7_ddos_action_default": {},}}'
or use the UI 6. Test the service
curl --request POST \
--url https://$PORTKEY_GATEWAY_FQDN/v1/chat/completions \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"messages": [{"role": "user","content": "Say this might be a test."}],"max_tokens": 20,"model": "gpt-4"}'
in addition to the response headers, you should get a response body like
"id": "chatcmpl-abcde......09876",
"object": "chat.completion",
"created": "0123456789",
"model": "gpt-4-0321",
"choices": [
"index": 0,
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "This might be a test."
"logprobs": null,
"finish_reason": "stop"
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 14,
"completion_tokens": 6,
"total_tokens": 20
"system_fingerprint": null
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/portkey-ai/gateway
- Install the NPM Dependencies
cd gateway
npm install
- Deploy (using Wrangler CLI)
npm run deploy
- Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/portkey-ai/gateway
- Install the NPM Dependencies
cd gateway
npm i
npm run build
- Run the Server
node build/start-server.js
Run through the latest Docker Hub image:
docker run --rm -p 8787:8787 portkeyai/gateway:latest
For more information on the Docker image, check here
- Download Compose File from the Repository:
wget "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Portkey-AI/gateway/main/docker-compose.yaml"
- Run:
docker compose up -d
The service is now running and listening on port 8787
Docs to be written, please help!
Docs to be written, please help!
Docs to be written, please help!
Docs to be written, please help!
Docs to be written, please help!
Make your AI app more reliable and forward compatible, while ensuring complete data security and privacy.
✅ Secure Key Management - for role-based access control and tracking
✅ Simple & Semantic Caching - to serve repeat queries faster & save costs
✅ Access Control & Inbound Rules - to control which IPs and Geos can connect to your deployments
✅ PII Redaction - to automatically remove sensitive data from your requests to prevent indavertent exposure
✅ SOC2, ISO, HIPAA, GDPR Compliances - for best security practices
✅ Professional Support - along with feature prioritization
Schedule a call to discuss enterprise deployments