is a custom annotation editor implemented as a plugin for Annotorious. It is being developed as part of the Princeton Geniza Project ( to support transcription editing and management with IIIF/W3C annotation.
The name taḥqīq (tah-KEEK) comes from the Arabic for text edition.
- Node.JS v16.x
- NPM v8.x
- Annotorious
- An annotation store supported by an Annotorious plugin
This project uses Volta to pin Node and NPM versions.
This plugin can be installed with NPM:
npm install --save annotorious-tahqiq
or to install a specific version number:
npm install --save annotorious-tahqiq@1.0.1
Then, to use alongside Annotorious and a storage plugin:
import {
} from "annotorious-tahqiq";
// Initialize Annotorious with your settings
const client = Annotorious(annotoriousSettings);
// Initialize annotorious-tahqiq storage plugin
const storageSettings = {
annotationEndpoint, // Endpoint of the annotation store
target, // Target for annotations (typically, a IIIF canvas)
manifest, // IIIF manifest that target is a part of
csrf_token, // CSRF token for communication with annotation store
secondaryMotivation, // Optional secondary motivation for annotations
// (primary is "sc:supplementing"). If supplied, will also
// attempt to filter annotation endpoint on this motivation.
sourceUri, // Optional "dc:source" URI attribute for annotations
lineMode, // Boolean to enable "line mode", which allows grouping
// and editing of line-level annotations with the
// "textGranularity" property
const storagePlugin = AnnotationServerStorage(client, storageSettings);
// Locate an empty HTML element that the editor will be placed into
const annotationContainer = document.getElementById("annotation");
// And an empty HTML fieldset element that toolbar tools will be placed into.
// Currently, the provided tools are rectangle and polygon image annotation drawing tools.
const toolbarContainer = document.getElementById("tahqiq-toolbar");
// Your TinyMCE editor API key (optional, can be omitted for testing purposes)
const tinyApiKey = "1234567890";
// Initalize annotorious-tahqiq editor
new TranscriptionEditor(
textDirection, // one of the two strings "rtl" or "ltr"; sets text direction
// of the TinyMCE editor
italicEnabled, // set true to include italic formatting option
This plugin exposes the following CSS classes that can be used to style its elements:
- Annotation blocks
: Containerdiv
containing an annotation label and body.tahqiq-block-editor
: Containerdiv
when in edit mode.tahqiq-label-display
elements for block labels.tahqiq-label-editor
: Editableh3
elements for block labels.tahqiq-body-display
element displaying the content of an annotation body.tahqiq-body-editor
element containing the TinyMCE editor for editing an annotation body.tahqiq-line-group
element grouping multiple line-level annotations.tahqiq-line-group-label
element labeling a group of multiple line-level annotations
- Buttons and inputs
: All buttons (save, delete, cancel).tahqiq-save-button
: Save button.tahqiq-delete-button
: Delete button.tahqiq-cancel-button
: Cancel button.tahqiq-tool
: All toollabel
: Individuallabel
elements for
: The currently active tool'slabel
- Drag and drop
: Annotation container receives this class when the user begins dragging another annotation (i.e. this annotation container is "targetable").tahqiq-drag-target
: Annotation container receives this class when the user hovers a dragged annotation over it (i.e. this annotation container is "targeted").tahqiq-drop-zone
: When running multiple instances of Tahqiq on the same page, thisdiv
will appear on an instance that has no annotations when the user begins dragging an annotation from another instance.tahqiq-loading
: To compensate for network request timing, this class is added to all annotation containers after a drag and drop is completed, and removed when the network requests are finished
This plugin also raises custom events to report errors and other messages.
: ACustomEvent
with adetail
object containingmessage
, andtarget
is an info, success, or error message;status
is one of "info", "success", or "error"; andtarget
is the target set in the settings for the storage plugin.tahqiq-cancel
: ACustomEvent
informing the consuming application that a cancellation has occurred.
To start developing on this project, first install the dependencies with NPM:
npm install
Then you can start editing TypeScript code. When you have made changes, you can rebuild the package by running:
npm run build
This will place transpiled and minified JavaScript (via webpack) into the /dist
To use your modified code in other projects locally, after running the build script, install with NPM in your other projects by pointing it to the project root directory:
npm install --save /path/to/annotorious-tahqiq/
Then, follow the remaining steps in the Usage section.
This project is written in TypeScript, and organized according to the following scheme:
contains the source code of the repository/src/elements
contains custom HTML elements/src/types
contains type definitions used in the TypeScript code/src/index.ts
is the entrypoint for the TypeScript code
contains Jest unit tests, and should mirror the structure of/src
contains the build outputs and should not be directly modified/dist/index.js
is the entrypoint for the built JavaScipt code
This project uses ESLint to manage code style and enforce consistency.
If you are using VSCode, you will need to install the ESLint extension. Then, your editor should pick up the settings from .vscode/settings.json
, which specify that ESLint will auto-fix any style errors on saving a file.
You may also use the following scripts to check for and fix linter errors:
npm run lint
npm run lint:fix
This project uses Jest for unit tests, stored in the /tests
directory. Tests can be run with the following command:
npm test