Official Repository for the Proof decentralized exchange smart contracts
The proof decentralized exchange is a hybrid decentralized exchange that aims at bringing together the ease of use of centralized exchanges along with the security and privacy features of decentralized exchanges. Orders are matched through the proof orderbook. After orders are matched, the decentralized exchange operator has the sole ability to perform a transaction to the smart contract. This provides for the best UX as the exchange operator is the only party having to interact directly with the blockchain. Exchange users simply sign orders which are broadcasted to the orderbook. This enables users to cancel their orders without having to perform a blockchain transaction and pay the associated gas fees.
To execute a trade, executeTrade
needs to be called with the following arguments:
Argument | Type | Description |
amountBuy | uint256 | Amount of tokenBuy tokens the maker wants to buy |
amountSell | uint256 | Amount of tokenSell tokens the maker wants to sell |
expires | uint256 | Blocknumber at which the order will no longer be valuable |
nonce | uint256 | Random number to ensure uniqueness of the order |
feeMake | uint256 | Percentage of fee taken from maker token value |
feeTake | uint256 | Percentage of fee taken from taker token value |
amount | uint256 | Amount of tokenBuy the taker wants to sell |
tradeNonce | uint256 | Random number to ensure uniqueness of the trade |
tokenBuy | address | Address of tokenBuy (token the maker wants to buy) |
tokenSell | address | Address of tokenSell (token the maker wants to sell) |
maker | address | Maker Address |
taker | address | Taker Address |
vMaker | uint8 | Maker Signature v Parameter |
vTaker | uint8 | Taker Signature v Parameter |
rMaker | bytes32 | Maker Signature r Parameter |
rTaker | bytes32 | Maker Signature r Parameter |
sMaker | bytes32 | Maker Signature s Parameter |
sTaker | bytes32 | Maker Signature s Parameter |
Each group of values must be packed together in array based on their type (See Exchange.sol)
To do a hard cancel, cancelOrder
needs to be called with the following arguments
Argument | Type | Description |
amountBuy | uint256 | Amount of tokenBuy tokens the maker wants to buy |
amountSell | uint256 | Amount of tokenSell tokens the maker wants to sell |
expires | uint256 | Blocknumber at which the order will no longer be valuable |
nonce | uint256 | Random number to ensure uniqueness of the order |
feeMake | uint256 | Percentage of fee taken from maker token value |
feeTake | uint256 | Percentage of fee taken from taker token value |
tokenBuy | address | Address of tokenBuy (token the maker wants to buy) |
tokenSell | address | Address of tokenSell (token the maker wants to sell) |
maker | address | Maker Address |
v | uint8 | Maker Signature v Parameter |
r | bytes32 | Maker Signature r Parameter |
s | bytes32 | Maker Signature s Parameter |
Each group of values must be packed together in array based on their type (See Exchange.sol)
- OSX or Linux (Windows setup is likely possible but not covered in this guide)
- Node (version 8.9.4 recommended)
- Solidity Compiler (v0.4.24)
- Ganache-cli (v6.1.3)
- Truffle (v4.1.12)
- npm (version 6.1.0)
- Clone the repository and install dependencies
git clone
cd prood-dex
npm install
- Install the latest version of truffle (Truffle v4.0.6)
npm install -g truffle
- Compile contracts
truffle compile
- Initialize testrpc (or geth)
- Migrate contracts to chosen network
truffle migrate --network development
- Make sure you are using the latest version of node
nvm install 8.9.4
nvm use 8.9.4
Fill in
with appropriate wallet addresses. Unlock the corresponding addresses. -
Verify all tests are passing.
You need to re-migrate all contracts before running the test suite
truffle migrate --reset && truffle test
- You can interact with the contracts via the console
truffle console
- You can watch for changes on the fileystem with:
npm run watch
- Lint
npm run lint
Thank you for considering helping the Proof project !
To make the Proof project truely revolutionary, we need and accept contributions from anyone and are grateful even for the smallest fixes.
If you want to help Proof, please fork and setup the development environment of the appropriate repository. In the case you want to submit substantial changes, please get in touch with our development team on our slack channel ( to verify those modifications are in line with the general goal of the project and receive early feedback. Otherwise you are welcome to fix, commit and send a pull request for the maintainers to review and merge into the main code base.
Please make sure your contributions adhere to our coding guidelines:
- Code must adhere as much as possible to standard conventions (DRY - Separation of concerns - Modular)
- Pull requests need to be based and opened against the master branch
- Commit messages should properly describe the code modified
- Ensure all tests are passing before submitting a pull request
If you have questions, ideas or suggestions, you can reach our development team on Discord in the #developer channel. Discord Link
The Proof CryptoFiat smart contract (i.e. all code inside of the contracts and test directories) is licensed under the MIT License, also included in our repository in the LICENSE file.