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Generic ISO14443 Ops

buggii edited this page Jan 10, 2015 · 41 revisions

[Introduction]( ISO14443 Ops#Introduction)
[Details]( ISO14443 Ops#Details)


Commands related to generic ISO 14443 cards can be invoked from the "hf 14a" command subtree.

proxmark3> hf 14a >help This help >hf list 14a List ISO 14443a history >reader Act like an ISO14443 Type A reader >cuids Collect n>0 ISO14443 Type A UIDs in one go >sim -- Fake ISO 14443a tag >snoop Eavesdrop ISO 14443 Type A >raw Send raw hex data to tag


hf list 14a

This command lists all logged ISO 14443 Type A messages from either a previous communication between the Proxmark and a card or from a previous hf 14a snoop operation.

hf 14a reader
hf 14a cuids
hf 14a sim
hf 14a snoop
hf 14a raw