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Releases: R0rt1z2/GrindrPlus

v3.5.1 (for v25.3.0)

05 Mar 20:41
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.5.1 (for v25.3.0)

  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (25.3.0).
  • Fixed issues when importing notes that contain newlines.
  • Added a section in Settings to configure the date/time format for account creation estimation.
  • Restored the old favorites section (you can disable this in Settings to use the new one).
  • Updated the feature-granting hook to target the new flags system.
  • Adds a clarification for the new AntiBlock toggle (just ignore it, really).
  • Displays the estimated account creation date when using the /id command.
  • Adds a hook to disable warnings prompting you to enable notifications.
  • Removes intrusive error toasts.
  • Adds the ability to disable teleportation with /tp off.
  • Fixes issues with the /clear command.
  • Resolves an issue preventing users from being quickly blocked while in a chat.


You can download Grindr 25.3.0 from APKPure.

v3.3.0 (for v25.0.0)

23 Jan 22:46
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.3.0 (for v25.0.0)

  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (25.0.0).
  • Added toggle to disable the profile swipe feature.
  • Added back the ability to send expiring albums.
  • Updated the QuickBlock hook to always show block button (instead of hide).


There are two 25.0.0 variants of Grindr (133286 and 133352) but this version works with both of them.

v3.2.8 (for v24.19.0)

07 Jan 21:21
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.2.8 (for v24.19.0)

  • Fixed the profile swipe feature.
  • Added a hook (DisableShuffle) to forcefully disable the new "shuffle" feature.
  • Added a hook (ReverseRadarTabs) to open the Tap List by default instead of Viewed Me.
  • Added /favorite <ID> and /unfavorite <ID>. The ID is optional; if not provided, it will use the ID of the user you're currently chatting with. You can also use /unfav and /fav as shortcuts.
  • Added /blocks and /favorites to get a list of the IDs you've blocked or favorited. Includes a button to copy the output so you can paste it wherever you want.
  • Fixed the issue where chats would disappear or close themselves when someone blocks/unblocks you, or when you block/unblock someone.
  • Modified the AntiBlock hook to actually include both the ID and the name (if available).
  • Added new commands to mess / play with Grindr's database (see /help - use it at your own risk)
  • Added aliases for commands with British English spelling (e.g., favourite, unfavourite, etc.)
  • Removed the "Boost Me" icon from the main grid
  • Added an option (and /prefix command) to change the command prefix (e.g. /prefix ! after which !help or any !command can be used). The prefix can be reset with !prefix reset, !prefix clear, or /prefix / (or through Mod Settings)
  • Fixed a silent background crash related to the OnlineIndicator hook
  • Added a command to dump, view, and copy "system info" (details that help with bug reporting via /sysinfo)
  • Updated the logs feature to dump hooks statuses to the grindrplus_log.txt file
  • Improved error handling for commands that fail, logging stack traces to the log file


If you change the prefix within the Mod settings, the change will not take effect immediately; you'll need to restart the Grindr app. However, if you change the prefix using the /prefix command, the change will take effect instantly.

Special thanks to @TebbeUbben!

v3.2.7 (for v24.19.0)

23 Dec 15:50
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.2.7 (for v24.19.0)

  • Adds support for LATEST 24.19.0.
  • Adds a new feature in Mod Settings (accessible via the three-dot menu) to export GrindrPlus logs. Use this when reporting bugs.
  • Fixes and improves the unlimited albums hook.
  • Fixes the ability to export / import database & config.
  • Fixes an issue where profiles would not open on profile tag cascades.
  • Fixes problems with Mock Location.
  • Disables the persistent incognito hook, as it was causing issues (I will try to reintroduce it in the next version).
  • Adds "you've been blocked/unblocked" notifications. By default, these are Android notifications, but they can be changed to toasts using a toggle in Mod Settings.


Swiping through cascade profiles IS BROKEN because of how the new unlimited profiles hook works.

v3.2.5 (for v24.17.1)

17 Nov 17:12
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.2.5 (for v24.17.1)

  • Disables the random roaming pop-up.
  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (24.17.1 131488).
  • Adds a /clear (or /reset) command to clear the current chat.
  • Adds /block, /unblock and /report (SCAM) command(s).
  • Adds quick block by tapping on the 🚫 button of a profile.
  • Disables Grindr telemetry (which got broken a few releases ago).


There are TWO BUILDS of Grindr 24.17.1, this ONLY WORKS with the LATEST ONE, released on November 15, 2024 GMT+0100 .


Swiping through cascade profiles IS BROKEN (again) because of how the new unlimited profiles hook works.

v3.2.3 (for v24.14.0)

08 Oct 12:33
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.2.3 (for v24.14.0)

  • Fixed unlimited albums hook.
  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (24.14.0).
  • Got rid of the annoying green tooltip of the new Interest tab (see details below).
(toggle details)


Special thanks to @Rattlyy!

v3.2.1 (for v24.12.0)

12 Sep 19:48
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.2.1 (for v24.12.0)

  • Fixed startup crashes (applovin related stuff).
  • Fixed compatibility with JingMatrix's LSPatch.

v3.2.0 (for v24.12.0)

11 Sep 20:21
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.2.0 (for v24.12.0)

  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (24.12.0).
  • Added EVEN MORE strict updates blocker.
  • Fixed unlimited albums hook (it might still be buggy).
  • Added new hook to get rid of all boost upsells (no more ⚡icon).
  • Fixed profile details related functionalities (precise location, profile details, copy ID, etc).
  • Themed Mod Settings to match the new amoled Grindr theme.
  • Switched back to prebuilt LSPosed API.

v3.1.5 (for v24.9.0)

06 Aug 15:36
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.1.5 (for v24.9.0)

  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (24.9.0).
  • Added more strict updates blocker.
  • Fixed unlimited albums hook (it might still be buggy).
  • Add entry in Mod Settings to control online indicator timeout (default is 3 minutes).
  • Add entry in Mod Settings to control favorites grid size (default is 3x3).
  • Add ability to export / import GrindrPlus configuration (JSON).
  • Disabled even more analytics (should also disable the native ads from braze in the inbox - thanks to @Truffle2143).

v3.1.4 (for v24.8.0)

19 Jul 23:49
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New Release: GrindrPlus v3.1.4 (for v24.8.0)

  • Added support for the latest Grindr version (24.8.0).
  • Fixed 'send video' button not showing up under chat media options.
  • Added ability to copy IDs with additional whitespace at the beginning by long pressing copy buttons.
  • Allow flexible spacing for arguments and commands.


Signatures have changed, so you'll have to uninstall the previous GrindrPlus version.


If you're using AdAway, whitelist for profiles to open fine.