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WatchListV2 API Controller

The Full Website is still in progress, regardless, here is the API Controller

WatchListV2 API Controller

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Test Logins
  3. Important Note
  4. Project Structure
  5. Key Features
  6. Configuration
  7. Separation of Concerns(SoC)
  8. Code Explanation
  9. Summary


This project is developed in .NET 6 that follows CRUD Operations that manages your series and videos that you have personally seen. There are User and Admin login with Registration included. This REST API Controller relies on JWT Authentication and distributed SQL server Caching

I have set up a Swagger endpoint to test API functionality

Access the Swagger UI at:

  • URL: https://localhost:44322/swagger/index.html

Test Logins

You can use the following credentials for testing:

  • User:

    • userName: TestUser
    • password: MyVeryOwnTestPassword123$
  • Admin:

    • userName: TestAdministrator
    • password: MyVeryOwnTestPassword123$

After a successful login, a JWT token will be returned. Copy this token and use the "Authorize" button in Swagger to simulate a proper login.

  • User Access: Limited access to functionality.
  • Admin Access: Full access to all functionality.

Important Note

Please change the connection strings to LocalConnection instead of DefaultConnection in Program.cs file if you wish to use this code locally.

  • Replace:
    • opts.ConnectionString = builder.Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
    • opts.UseSqlServer(builder.Configuration["ConnectionStrings:DefaultConnection"]);

Project Structure

Attribute: These files contain helper or extension class to Validation that are used in DTO Folder. They provide Sort by Order and Sort by entity(ex: id, Genre, Provider)

Constants: This is primarily used for authorization during registration or signing in users, and it applies or checks their roles. I used a strongly typed approach to avoid human error when applying roles in the code.

Controllers: Each file in the Controllers folder inherits from ControllerBase, which provides the minimum functionality needed for controllers that do not handle any view files since they are APIs.

Data: In this Folder, it contains a SeedData that is used when there is no data in the database and needs to populate some data for testing

DTO: The DTO (Data Transfer Object) folder is used for API communication, reducing the amount of data sent by only providing the necessary information for API calls. This folder also includes a file that hosts descriptive links for HATEOAS.

Extensions: This folders contains a class for serializing and deserializing JSON for distributed cache

Migrations: This houses files used for Entity Framework

Models: Used for interfaces, implementation, Entity and Identity setup, and Series Model

Key Features

  • JWT Authentication: The project uses JWT tokens for secure authentication and authorization.
  • Caching: Implements distributed SQL Server caching to improve performance.
  • Identity Integration: Integrated with ASP.NET Core Identity for user management, including login, registration, and role-based access control.
  • EF Core: Configuration and communication with the database (SQL or LocalDb).
  • Swashbuckle: API testing using Swagger.
  • OpenAPI Analyzers: Ensures that status codes are used and declared properly in API controllers.
  • Dynamic LINQ: Facilitates complex LINQ queries.


User Secrets

I have configured the database to use a local machine setup (assuming you have a SQL database installed). If you wish to use your own database, please configure your connection string using User Secrets as described above in Important Note.

Seperation of Concerns (SoC)

In this project, the Separation of Concerns (SoC) principle is applied to ensure that business logic and HTTP responses are handled separately. This approach improves code maintainability, readability, and testability by keeping different aspects of the application isolated from one another. Decoupling from each other further. Below, I gave an example of seperating and Decoupling Business logic and HTTP reponses. Easier for Maintining, Testing, and Readability

Code Explanation

I have added comments throughout the project to help you understand the code. Below are some key parts of the code:


builder.Services.AddControllers(opts =>
    opts.CacheProfiles.Add("NoCache", new CacheProfile() {
        NoStore = true 
    opts.CacheProfiles.Add("Any-60", new CacheProfile() { 
        Location = ResponseCacheLocation.Any, 
        Duration = 60 

Caching Profiles: Two cache profiles are added: NoCache is used in the AccountController to ensure no caching during login or registration. Any-60 is used in the SeriesController and AdminController to cache series data for 60 seconds, reducing redundant API calls when the database has no changes.

builder.Services.AddSwaggerGen(opts =>
    opts.AddSecurityDefinition("Bearer", new OpenApiSecurityScheme
        In = ParameterLocation.Header,
        Description = "Please enter token",
        Name = "Authorization",
        Type = SecuritySchemeType.Http,
        BearerFormat = "JWT",
        Scheme = "bearer"
    opts.AddSecurityRequirement(new OpenApiSecurityRequirement
            new OpenApiSecurityScheme
                Reference = new OpenApiReference { Type = ReferenceType.SecurityScheme, Id = "Bearer" }

Swagger Setup: This configuration enables JWT authentication within Swagger, allowing you to test secure endpoints by providing a token.

Controllers Folder


The AccountController handles authentication and user management functions, including login, registration, and role management. This also pplays a big role in managing security of the application by using JWT tokens.

Key Functions Registration: Allows new users to register by providing necessary details such as username, password, and email. Upon successful registration, the user is assigned a role, either as a regular user or an administrator, based on the registration process.

Login: Handles user authentication. The user provides their username and password, and if the credentials are valid, the controller generates and returns a JWT token. This token must be included in subsequent API requests to authenticate the user.

Role Management: Assigns roles to users during registration or login. These roles determine the user's access level within the application. Admins have full access to all functionality, while regular users have limited access.

Claims Handling: The controller manages claims associated with the JWT token, including user roles and other relevant information, ensuring that each API request is authenticated and authorized appropriately.


 public async Task <ActionResult> Register(RegisterDTO input)

In my code I used _userService.RegisterAsync() to call an implementation that i made for Registration. Reason why i Seperated business logic and HTTP Responses are mentioned above.

 public async Task<IdentityResult> RegisterAsync(RegisterDTO input)
     var newUser = new ApiUsers();
     newUser.UserName = input.UserName;
     newUser.Email = input.Email;

     var result = await _userManager.CreateAsync(newUser, input.Password);

     if (result.Succeeded)
         await _userManager.AddToRoleAsync(newUser,RoleNames.User);
     return result;


Here, the method is an asynchronous method takes in a DTO and returns IdentityResult with a public accessor. Within it, var newUser object is created for ApiUsers. then we create and object that will hold the IdentityResult after creating User via UserManager (please look at EUserService for full code). If it is sucessful, then assign the user with User role then return Result.

Back at Register method in AccountController, if the Results from RegisterAsync() is sucessful, then return status code 201, otherwise it will return a badRequest.


The Controller manages CRUD operations for user's series. This controller is accessable only by signing in as User or Administrator.

Key Functions

Get Series By ID: Retrieves a list of series that the user has watched Supports pagination, filtering, and sorting.

Create Series: Allows users to add a new series to their watchlist. The user provides necessary details such as title, genre, and provider, and the controller interacts with the service layer to save the new series to the database. NOTE: Please remember to get your UserID by either looking at DB or usign Admin Login

Update Series: Enables users to update the details of an existing series.

Delete Series: Allows users to delete a series from their watchlist.

In the Get Method

public async Task<ActionResult<RestDTO<SeriesModel[]>>> Get([FromQuery] RequestDTO<SeriesDTO> input)

uses HATEOAS via RestDTO this provides clients with navigational links in the responses, allowing them to discover related resources and actions dynamically. More info about RestDTO below. In the Get method, it uses _seriesService.GetSeriesAsync(); method for getting series. The Full Implementation is in ESeriesService.cs. After sucessful retrieval, the links are created for pagination and filters.

AdminController: The adminController only function is retrieving ALL Users. They are able to use SeriesController as well.

DTO Folder


LinkDTO is a key part of the project as it implements HATEOAS (Hypermedia as the Engine of Application State).

public class LinkDTO
    public string Href { get; private set; } // URLs
    public string Rel { get; private set; } // Relationship
    public string Type { get; private set; } // Type being sent

    public LinkDTO(string href, string rel, string type)
        Href = href;
        Rel = rel;
        Type = type;

This class is immutable which ensure that once the instance is created, it cannot be modified afterward. Since the sets are priavte, they can only be set via constructor.

Href is a string that will hold URL link that the client can follow.

Rel represents the relationship of the linked resource. This can either be self", "next" and "previous"

Type specifies the action that was associated with the link. This can be GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE

This class is used throughout the project. An example of the usage is SeriesController when returning list of series.

  public async Task<ActionResult<RestDTO<SeriesModel[]>>> Get([FromQuery] RequestDTO<SeriesDTO> input)

In this method, The return type will be returning not just status code but also results from the Get method and link Created with RestDTO.

The schema of a requested link and data would be the following

  "links": [
      "href": "string",
      "rel": "string",
      "type": "string"
  "data": [
      "seriesID": 0,
      "userID": "string",
      "titleWatched": "string",
      "seasonWatched": "string",
      "providerWatched": "string",
      "genre": "string"
      "rowVersion": "string"
  "pageIndex": 0,
  "pageSize": 0,
  "recordCount": 0


This class handles incoming API requests. Therefore, it is mostly used in GET operations. This supports pagination, sorting, and filtering while validating request before processing them.

public class RequestDTO<T> : IValidatableObject
    public int PageIndex { get; set; } = 0;
    [Range(1, 100)]
    public int PageSize { get; set; } = 10;
    public string? SortColumn { get; set; } = "TitleWatched";

    public string? SortOrder { get; set; } = "ASC";

    public string? FilterQuery { get; set; } = null;

    public string? UserID { get; set; } = null;

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        var validator = new SortColumnValidatorAttribute(typeof(T));
        var result = validator.GetValidationResult(SortColumn, validationContext);
        return (result != null) ? new[] { result } : Array.Empty<ValidationResult>();

This class also inherits IValidatableObject interface which provides custom validation. The method Validate prevents invalid or non-existent columns from being used in sorting operations. This method will either return an array of error messages or an empty array which indicates there was no error.


This class is response format for our API. This is used most if not all of the method in each controller. it encapsulate both data and metadata such as pagination and links.

public class RestDTO<T>
    public List<LinkDTO> Links { get; set; } = new List<LinkDTO>();
    public T Data { get; set; } = default!;
    public int? PageIndex { get; set; }
    public int? PageSize { get; set; }
    public int? RecordCount { get; set; }

Links contains a list of LinkDTO objects. LinkDTO as been mention and describe above.

Data is a generic type that can allow any class to use. Such as using SeriesDTO objects.

PageIndex is an optional property indicates the current page index of the data being returned. This is for paginated responses, allowing clients to understand which portion of the dataset they are currently viewing.

PageSize is similar to PageIndex, this optional property specifies the number of records per page. It helps the client understand how much data is being returned in each paginated response.

RecordCount is an optional property that provides the total number of records available in the dataset. It’s useful for clients to understand the overall size of the dataset and to implement pagination or lazy loading effectively.

This serves, again, as a response from the API so most, if not, all method will have this in their return type.

ApplicationDbContext class

This class is the main point for managing database access in the application. It inherits IdentityDbContext<ApiUsers>, providing full integration with ASP.NET Core Identity for user authentication and authorization, while also managing the entities such as SeriesModel.

Within OnModelCreating Method

 protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)

     //For ApiUsers
     modelBuilder.Entity<ApiUsers>(entity =>
         entity.HasKey(k => k.Id);
         entity.Property(p => p.Id).HasColumnName("UserID");

     //For SeriesModel
     modelBuilder.Entity<SeriesModel>(entity =>
         entity.HasKey(k => k.SeriesID); //Primary Key
         entity.Property(p => p.SeriesID).ValueGeneratedOnAdd();//Auto Generate ID
         entity.HasOne(h => h.ApiUsers)
         .WithMany(u => u.Series) //Each User can have multiple series
         .HasForeignKey(f => f.UserID) //Defines UserID as foreign Key
     //creating RowVersioning for concurrency
         .Property(p => p.RowVersion)


This method ovverides its configuration to map entities and relationships for the database.

ApiUsers Configuration:

The ApiUsers entity is configured to use Id as the primary key, which is renamed to UserID in the database schema. This makes it clear that the UserID is the unique identifier for users in your application.

SeriesModel Configuration:

The SeriesModel entity is configured to use SeriesID as the primary key, with the ID being auto-generated when a series is created.

A one-to-many relationship is established between ApiUsers and SeriesModel, where each user can have multiple series associated with their account. The UserID in SeriesModel serves as a foreign key linking to the ApiUsers entity.

The OnDelete(DeleteBehavior.Cascade) configuration ensures that when a user is deleted, all related series entries are also deleted, maintaining integrity.

Row Versioning:

The RowVersion property in SeriesModel is configured for concurrency control. Entity Framework will automatically use this versioning to detect conflicting updates for data integrity in concurrent environments.


This project is focuses mainly on Back-End work for REST API. It also features

  • JWT authentication
  • Authorization, Roles, and claims
  • Distributed SQL Server Caching
  • Swagger testing
  • Identity Integration
  • Concurrency Checks
  • filters, sorting, and paginations
  • Decoupling by Seperation of Concern

Future Implementation

A working website where it uses this API and usage of CSS, SASS, and Bootstrap for front-end work