Who | What |
Domenic Callum |
Meaning (p. 4 - 6) |
Kaleshe Jacob |
Perception (p. 6 - 8) |
Emma Richardo |
Relationship (p. 8 - 10) |
Peyman Kevin |
Memory (p. 10 - 12) |
Muhammad Mayur |
Choice (p. 12 - 14) |
What have we learnt over the last couple of weeks?
Refer to earlier sessions
Lets create some 'touch points'
Use the book called Believe Me to find your allocated concepts to explain.
In small teams, you will research one storytelling concept or technique and prepare a mini-lesson (~15 minutes) to teach everyone else about it.
Your mini-lesson will be interactive: try and make a mini-workshop, rather than just have us listen.
Who | What |
Domenic Kaleshe |
Disbelief (p. 18 - 20) |
Callum Jacob |
Culture (p. 20 - 22) |
Emma Peyman |
Leadership (p. 22 - 24) |
Richardo Muhammad |
Convergence (p. 24 - 26) |
Kevin Mayur |
Epic (p. 26 - ) |
Keeping a journal to record your creative process is extremely important. Don't let your ideas and thoughts fade away! Think of your blog as your digital sketchbook (more on that here). We ask you to blog regularly and we'll check that you do it every week.
Pair up with another person (not your team mate) and give each other feedback on your peer learning mini-lessons