Multi device whatsapp bot created with @adiwajshing/baileys
1. Install nodejs, git, ffmpeg
2. npm i -g yarn pm2
3. git clone && cd raganork-md
4. yarn install --ignore-engines --network-concurrency 1
5. vi config.env
6. Enter your session there in format 'SESSION=your_session_here'
7. Press ctrl+c, then type ':wq' and press enter
8. npm start
Now the bot will start working
I can't guarantee or can be held responsible if you get blocked or banned by using this software. WhatsApp does not allow bots using unofficial methods on their platform, so this shouldn't be considered totally safe.
- This code is in no way affiliated, authorized, maintained, sponsored or endorsed by WA (WhatsApp) or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries.
- The official WhatsApp website can be found at "WhatsApp" as well as related names, marks, emblems and images are registered trademarks of their respective owners.
- This is an independent and unofficial software Use at your own risk.