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The Regal Internet Brothers are a group of developers responsible for several open and closed source projects. The bulk of which are developed in C++, Monkey X, or D.
- IOSync: Local Multiplayer Games over the Internet. (C++)
- The Regal Modules Project: A collection of open source Monkey modules.
- QuickLib: A collection of straight forward C++ libraries for Unix-like operating systems. (C++)
- Anthony Diamond
- Monkey Tools: A collection of command-line tools written with Monkey.
- Windows Virtual-Key Table Generator: A small tool, written in C++, that generates an 'std::map' associating strings with virtual keys.
- VBMD5: An efficient MD5 implementation written in Visual Basic .NET.
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- Michael Fadely
- Sonic Adventure 2: Battle Network - Online Multiplayer for Sonic Adventure 2 (PC)
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