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105 lines (81 loc) · 4.76 KB


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Easily creates CRUD operations through browseable HTML routes and RESTful API json routes, in Node.js with ExpressJS and MongoDB.

  • Requires Node.js, MongoDB and ExpressJS

Installation instructions

  1. Download repository or import with npm install crudeasy (note: npm modules are lowercase);
  2. Rename config-template.js to config.js and change accordingly, to setup your MongoDB user, password, and URL;
  3. Go to the directory crudEasy and run npm install (if not done already);
  4. Require crudEasy with the options set forth below;
  5. Do so for as many routes and collections as needed!

v. 0.1.0

  • First version. just basic CRUD oeprations and full views and RESTful API functions



  • Throughout the code, ":modelModule" is used in comments as an alias to the name given when the module was instantiated, but there is no such param in the routes.
  • Options are passed through as a parameters object, and all of its contents are required, otherwise there will be missing routes and variables. However, error handling of undefined hasn't been implemented yet.

Basic initialization

First instantiate a new model by calling var modelInstance = new crudEasy.newModel(url, collectionName); and then use the api and crud routes by calling app.use([route], crudEasy.crudRoute(modelInstance, optionsObject)); and app.use([/api/route],crudEasy.apiRoute(modelInstance, optionsObject));.


options = {
    url:            "mongodb://<username>:<password>@", // any valid full mongodb url.
    collection:     "nameOfCollectionInMongoDB", //any MongoDB valid name
    defaultPerPage: 10,   // number of items to be shown in each list view. *Must* be multiplier of 10, as per MongoDB's specification
    routeNew:       "/new",   // or 'n' or localized name, or any URL valid component
    routeDelete:    "/:item/delete", // the param here *must* be :item. Just change the word 'delete'.
    routeEdit:      "/:item/edit",   // the param here *must* be :item Just change the word 'edit'
    labelNew:       "New",           // this is just to be passed as a variable to the rendering engine
    labelEdit:      "Edit",          // this is just to be passed as a variable to the rendering engine
    viewNew:        "edit.jade",     //or any other view to be rendered with app.render(). Remember to set de rendering engine in the app().
    viewItem:       "view.jade",     //or any other view to be rendered with app.render(). Remember to set de rendering engine in the app().
    viewList:       "list.jade",     //or any other view to be rendered with app.render(). Remember to set de rendering engine in the app().
    viewEdit:       "edit.jade"     //or any other view to be rendered with app.render(). Remember to set de rendering engine in the app().

Basic code sample (example)

// Calls the Module 3 times, for routes and collections Movies and Actors.
var crudEasy = require ('crudEasy');

//  Movies CRUD module
var optionsMovies = {
    url:            "mongodb://<username>:<password>@",
    collection:     "movies",
    defaultPerPage: 10,
    routeNew:       "/new",
    routeDelete:    "/:item/delete",
    routeEdit:      "/:item/edit",
    labelNew:       "New",
    labelEdit:      "Edit",
    viewNew:        "views/movies/edit.jade", 
    viewItem:       "views/movies/view.jade",
    viewList:       "views/movies/list.jade",
    viewEdit:       "views/movies/edit.jade"

var modelMovies = new crudEasy.newModel(optionsMovies.url, optionsMovies.collection);
app.use('/movies', crudEasy.crudRoute(modelMovies, optionsMovies));
app.use('/api/movies',crudEasy.apiRoute(modelMovies, optionsMovies));

//  Actors CRUD module
var optionsActors = {
    url:            "mongodb://<username>:<password>@",
    collection:     "actors",
    defaultPerPage: 10,
    routeNew:       "/new",
    routeDelete:    "/:item/delete",
    routeEdit:      "/:item/edit",
    labelNew:       "New",
    labelEdit:      "Edit",
    viewNew:        "views/actors/edit.jade", 
    viewItem:       "views/actors/view.jade",
    viewList:       "views/actors/list.jade",
    viewEdit:       "views/actors/edit.jade"

var modelActors = new crudEasy.newModel(optionsActors.url, optionsActors.collection);
app.use('/actors', crudEasy.crudRoute(modelActors, optionsActors));
app.use('/api/actors',crudEasy.apiRoute(modelActors, optionsActors));


Feel free to contact me through my GitHub profile.

From São Paulo, Brazil.

Happy coding!