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Revadike edited this page Feb 26, 2022
112 revisions
Welcome to the internal Steam Web API Documentation!
Please, check out the README.md.
*Requires session to be authenticated / logged in to Steam ajaxgetmycuratorsalelists
- GET /about/stats
- GET /actions/ajaxgetdiscounts
- GET /actions/ajaxgetgoldenprofiledata
- GET /actions/ajaxgetstorecategories
- GET /actions/ajaxgetstoretags
- GET /actions/ajaxgetwatchvodtoken
- GET /actions/ajaxlistfriends (*)
- GET /actions/ajaxresolvebundles
- GET /actions/ajaxresolvepackages
- GET /actions/ajaxresolvesubscriptions
- GET /actions/ajaxresolveusers
- GET /actions/EmoticonData
- GET /actions/GameAvatars
- GET /actions/GetNotificationCounts (*)
- GET /actions/GetOwnedApps (*)
- GET /actions/QueryLocations/:country/:region
- GET /actions/SearchApps/:query
- GET /api/appdetails
- GET /api/appuserdetails (*)
- GET /api/checkoutcountrydata
- GET /api/checkoutcountrydata2 (*)
- GET /api/createagegatecookie
- GET /api/dlcforapp
- GET /api/featured
- GET /api/featuredcategories
- GET /api/getappsincategory
- GET /api/getappsingenre
- GET /api/getcart (*)
- GET /api/getfundwalletinfo (*)
- GET /api/getgenrelist
- GET /api/gettransactionprice (*)
- GET /api/gettransactionstatus (*)
- GET /api/libraryappdetails
- GET /api/messages
- GET /api/packagedetails
- GET /api/parseagegatecookie
- GET /api/salepage
- GET /api/storesearch
- GET /api/trailerslideshow
- GET /api/verifyshippingaddress (*)
- GET /apphover/:appid
- GET /apphoverpublic/:appid
- GET /appreviewhistogram/:appid
- GET /appreviews/:appid
- GET /broadcast/ajaxcheckbroadcast
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgetappinfoforcap
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgetbatchappcapsuleinfo
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgetpopularpartnerbroadcasts
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgetstreamersforpage
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgetstreamersforpreview
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgettopntagsforappbatch
- GET /broadcast/ajaxgetuserbroadcastpreferences
- GET /broadcast/getbroadcastinfo
- GET /broadcast/getbroadcastmpd (*)
- GET /broadcast/getbroadcastviewers
- GET /broadcast/getchatinfo
- GET /cart/getcartstate
- GET /checkout/getfinalprice (*)
- GET /comment/Clan/delete/:clanid
- GET /comment/Clan/hideandreport/:clanid
- GET /comment/Clan/post/:clanid
- GET /comment/Clan/render/:clanid
- GET /comment/ClanEvent/delete/:eventid
- GET /comment/ClanEvent/hideandreport/:eventid
- GET /comment/ClanEvent/post/:eventid
- GET /comment/ClanEvent/render/:eventid
- GET /comment/ForumTopic/delete/:groupid/:gidforum
- GET /comment/ForumTopic/hideandreport/:groupid/:gidforum
- GET /comment/ForumTopic/post/:groupid/:gidforum
- GET /comment/ForumTopic/render/:groupid/:gidforum
- GET /comment/Profile/delete/:steamid
- GET /comment/Profile/hideandreport/:steamid
- GET /comment/Profile/post/:steamid
- GET /comment/Profile/render/:steamid
- GET /comment/PublishedFile_Public/delete/:steamid/:sharedfileid
- GET /comment/PublishedFile_Public/hideandreport/:steamid/:sharedfileid
- GET /comment/PublishedFile_Public/post/:steamid/:sharedfileid
- GET /comment/PublishedFile_Public/render/:steamid/:sharedfileid
- GET /comment/Recommendation/delete/:steamid/:appid
- GET /comment/Recommendation/hideandreport/:steamid/:appid
- GET /comment/Recommendation/post/:steamid/:appid
- GET /comment/Recommendation/render/:steamid/:appid
- GET /contenthub/ajaxgetcategoryimages
- GET /contenthub/ajaxgetcontenthubdata
- GET /contenthub/ajaxgetcontenthubs
- GET /contenthub/ajaxgetcontenthubsections
- GET /contenthub/querypaginated/tags/:tab/render
- GET /curator/:clanid/ajaxgetcreatorhomeinfo
- GET /curator/:clanid/ajaxgetfilteredrecommendations
- GET /curators/ajaxfindcuratorlists
- GET /curators/ajaxgetcurators
- GET /curators/ajaxgetmycuratorsalelists
- GET /default/home_additional
- GET /dynamicstore/userdata (*)
- GET /economy/emoticonhoverjson/:emoticon_name
- GET /events/ajaxgetadjacentpartnerevents
- GET /events/ajaxgetbatchedpartnerevent
- GET /events/ajaxgetbesteventsforuser (*)
- GET /events/ajaxgetcreatorhomeidforapp
- GET /events/ajaxgetdynamiceventmetadata
- GET /events/ajaxgeteventdetails
- GET /events/ajaxgetnewscurators
- GET /events/ajaxgetpartnerevent
- GET /events/ajaxgetpartnereventspageable
- GET /events/ajaxgetrepostedevent
- GET /events/ajaxgettodayboundedevents
- GET /events/ajaxgetusereventcalendarrange
- GET /events/ajaxrequestlocalization
- GET /forum/:owner/General/gettopicdestinations
- GET /forum/:owner/General/render/:gidfeature
- GET /gid/:groupid/ajaxgetpartnereventpermissions (*)
- GET /gid/:groupid/ajaxgetvanityandclanid
- GET /inventory/:steamid/:appid/:contextid
- GET /itemstore/:appid/ajaxgetitemdefs
- GET /library/appcommunityfeed/:appid
- GET /market/itemordersactivity
- GET /market/itemordershistogram
- GET /market/myhistory
- GET /market/mylistings
- GET /market/popular
- GET /market/pricehistory (*)
- GET /market/priceoverview
- GET /market/recent
- GET /market/search/render
- GET /miniprofile/:accountid/json
- GET /points/heroimage
- GET /pointssummary/ajaxgetasyncconfig (*)
- GET /profiles/:steamid/ajaxgetappagegatesbypassed (*)
- GET /profiles/:steamid/ajaxgetbadgeinfo/:appid (*)
- GET /profiles/:steamid/ajaxgroupinvite (*)
- GET /profiles/:steamid/ajaxgetusernews (*)
- GET /reservation/ajaxgetuserstate (*)
- GET /sale/ajaxgetcategoriesbytag
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetallitemsforsale
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetdeckappcompatibilityreport
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetdemoevents
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetdlconsale
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetdynamicreveals
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetdynamicrevealspreview
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetironsale
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetitemsincontenthub
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetopendoor
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetpricestops
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetsaletags
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetsaletagsrecommendation
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetsoundtracksonsale
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetuserdeckcompatcounts
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetuserdeckcompatlist (*)
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetwishlistonsale
- GET /saleaction/ajaxrecenttaggedsaleevents
- GET /saleaction/ajaxgetsaledynamicappquery
- GET /search/results
- GET /search/suggest
- GET /sharedfiles/ajaxgetmaturecontentwarningdialog
- GET /tagdata/myfrequenttags (*)
- GET /tagdata/populartags/:language
- GET /tagdata/recommendedtags (*)
- GET /textfilter/ajaxgetcommunitypreferences
- GET /textfilter/ajaxgetfriendslist
- GET /textfilter/ajaxgettextfiltercustomwords
- GET /textfilter/gettextfilterdictionary
- GET /updated/ajaxgetmyappsraw (*)
- GET /userreviews/ajaxgetvotes
- GET /wishlist/profiles/:steamid/wishlistdata
- GET /workshop/ajaxfindworkshops
- POST /account/ajaxregisterkey (*)
- POST /account/removelicense (*)
- POST /account/setcountry (*)
- POST /actions/AddFriendAjax (*)
- POST /actions/ajaxmarkpartnerevents (*)
- POST /actions/BlockUserAjax (*)
- POST /api/addtocart (*)
- POST /api/addtowishlist (*)
- POST /api/removefromwishlist (*)
- POST /ajaxrequestplaytestaccess/:appid (*)
- POST /checkout/inittransaction (*)
- POST /explore/followgame (*)
- POST /friends/recommendgame (*)
- POST /checkout/addfreebundle/:bundleid (*)
- POST /checkout/addfreelicense/:packageid (*)
- POST /tagdata/tagapp (*)
- POST /wizard/AjaxDoPackageRemove (*)
- POST /wizard/AjaxDoPackageRestore (*)
/api/addwalletcredittocart -
/api/begincheckout -
/api/initializetransaction -
/api/finalizetransaction -
/api/removefromcart -
These endpoints may use the following URL variations:
- Group:
- Also accepts:
(if ogg),/games/:vanity_url/*
(if ogg)
- Also accepts:
- Profiles:
- Also accepts:
(if custom URL set),/my/*
(if logged in)
- Also accepts:
: There's a limit to 300 store requests per 5 mins.
Some endpoints support multiple HTTP methods. The displayed method is determined using the following priority order:
An endpoint is authenticated when it behaves differently when the user is logged in. This is typically reflected in the returned data. Additionally, an endpoint may not even work without an authenticated user.