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Jim edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 16 revisions

Inherits from CodeGeneratorSettingsBase

Namespace and Class Configuration

Property Description Default Value
Namespace Namespace of the generated classes 'MyNamespace'
ClassStyle The CSharp class style, Poco or Inpc,
i.e. Plain Old CLR Object or INotifyPropertyChanged
TypeAccessModifier The access modifier for DTO classes and enums 'public'
PropertySetterAccessModifier The access modifier for property setters ''
JsonConverters Custom Json.NET converter types (optional, comma separated)

Data Types Configuration

Property Description Default Value
AnyType The .NET type for 'any' 'object'
DateType The .NET type for 'date' 'DateTimeOffset'
DateTimeType The .NET type for 'datetime' 'DateTimeOffset'
TimeType The .NET type for 'time' 'TimeSpan'
TimeSpanType The .NET type for 'time span' 'TimeSpan'
NumberType The .NET type for 'number' 'double'
NumberFloatType The .NET type for 'number' with the format 'float' 'float'
NumberDoubleType The .NET type for 'number' with the format 'double' 'double'
NumberDecimalType The .NET type for 'number' with the format 'decimal' 'decimal'
InlineNamedTuples Specifies whether named/referenced tuples should be
inlined or generated as class with tuple inheritance

Array Types Configuration

Property Description Default Value
ArrayType The generic array .NET type 'ICollection'
ArrayBaseType The generic array .NET type 'Collection'
ArrayInstanceType The generic array .NET instance type (empty = ArrayType)
GenerateImmutableArrayProperties Specifies whether to remove the setter for non-nullable array properties false
InlineNamedArrays Specifies whether named/referenced arrays should be inlined or generated as class with array inheritance false

Dictionary Types Configuration

Property Description Default Value
DictionaryType The generic dictionary .NET type 'IDictionary'
DictionaryBaseType The generic dictionary .NET type 'Dictionary'
DictionaryInstanceType The generic dictionary .NET instance type (empty = DictionaryType)
GenerateImmutableDictionaryProperties Specifies whether to remove the setter for non-nullable dictionary properties false
InlineNamedDictionaries Inline named dictionaries false

Data Annotation and JSON Configuration

Property Description Default Value
JsonLibrary The C# JSON library to use ('NewtonsoftJson' or 'SystemTextJson'). 'SystemTextJson' is experimental/not complete 'NewtonsoftJson'
HandleReferences Use preserve references handling (All) in the JSON serializer false
JsonSerializerSettingsTransformationMethod The name of a static method which is called to transform the JsonSerializerSettings used in the generated ToJson()/FromJson() methods, more info see below null
GenerateJsonMethods Specifies whether to render ToJson() and FromJson() methods for DTOs false
EnforceFlagEnums Specifies whether enums should be always generated as bit flags false
GenerateOptionalPropertiesAsNullable Specifies whether optional schema properties (not required) are generated as nullable properties false
GenerateNullableReferenceTypes Specifies whether to generate Nullable Reference Type annotations false
RequiredPropertiesMustBeDefined Specifies if required properties must be defined in JSON
- sets Required.Always when the property is required
GenerateDataAnnotations Specifies whether to generate data annotation attributes on DTO classes true


For example, you can implement the following class and set the method to MyNamespace.SerializerSettings.TransformSettings:

namespace MyNamespace
    internal static class SerializerSettings
        public static JsonSerializerSettings TransformSettings(
            JsonSerializerSettings settings)
            settings.DateParseHandling = DateParseHandling.DateTimeOffset;
            return settings;
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