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Sven Erik Vinkemeier edited this page Oct 23, 2017 · 42 revisions

Package: NSwag.MSBuild

After installing the NSwag.MSBuild NuGet package in your project, you can use the variable $(NSwagExe) in your .csproj file to run the NSwag command line tool in an MSBuild target. This way the tools can easily be updated via NuGet.

<Target Name="NSwag" AfterTargets="Build">
    <Exec Command="$(NSwagExe) webapi2swagger /assembly:$(OutDir)/MyWebAssembly.dll /controller:MyNamespace.MyController /output:swagger.json" />
    <Exec Command="$(NSwagExe) swagger2tsclient /input:swagger.json /output:Scripts/MyController.ts" />

The /controller parameter can be omitted to generate a Swagger specification for all controllers.

If you need to run the NSwag command line in x86 mode, use the $(NSwagExe_x86) placeholder. For .NET Core projects, one of the placeholders $(NSwagExe_Core##) (e.g. $(NSwagExe_Core20) for .NET Core 2.0) should be used instead of $(NSwagExe).

Available properties:

  • NSwagExe
  • NSwagExe_x86
  • NSwagExe_Core10
  • NSwagExe_Core11
  • NSwagExe_Core20
  • NSwagDir
  • NSwagDir_Core10
  • NSwagDir_Core11
  • NSwagDir_Core20


See Command Line for more information.