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philippe_lebel edited this page Jan 9, 2018 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the StrategyIA wiki!

To be able to work efficiently with this framework, grSim and UI-Debug are required. Follow the instruction in their respective git-hub directories for the installation.

It is also a good thing to install Anaconda python 3.6.

This installation tutorial assumes you don't have any "nice to have" tools, such as git, installed on your computer. Skip some of the steps if you know you don't have to follow them.

  1. navigate to the file directory where you want the StrategyAI files to be placed.
  2. Install git: 'sudo apt-get install git'
  3. clone the repro: 'git clone'.
  4. Get into the Strategy-Ia directory: 'cd StrategyIA'

The other packages required for the usage of StrategyIA can be installed via the pip package. To do so:

  1. Install these requirements: 'pip install -r requirements.txt'
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