GET /ver1/bots/strategy_list
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
account_id | integer | NO | id from GET /ver1/accounts | |
type | string | NO | simple, composite | |
strategy | string | NO | long, short |
GET /ver1/bots/pairs_black_list
Weight: 1
Parameters: NONE
POST /ver1/bots/update_pairs_black_list
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
pairs | array[string] | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/create_bot
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
name | string | YES | ||
account_id | integer | YES | id from GET /ver1/accounts | |
pairs | array[string] | YES | Pass single pair to create SingleBot or any other number of pairs to create MultiBot | |
max_active_deals | integer | NO | (1) | |
base_order_volume | number | YES | Base order size | |
base_order_volume_type | string | NO | quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt | base order volume currency |
take_profit | number | YES | Target profit(percentage) | |
safety_order_volume | number | YES | Safety trade size | |
safety_order_volume_type | string | NO | quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt | safety order volume currency |
martingale_volume_coefficient | number | YES | (1) | |
martingale_step_coefficient | number | YES | (1) | |
max_safety_orders | integer | YES | Max safety trades count | |
active_safety_orders_count | integer | YES | Max active safety trades count | |
stop_loss_percentage | number | NO | ||
cooldown | number | NO | ||
trailing_enabled | boolean | NO | Enable trailing take profit. Binance only. | |
trailing_deviation | number | NO | required if trailing_enabled | |
btc_price_limit | number | NO | ||
strategy | string | NO | short, long (long) | |
safety_order_step_percentage | number | YES | Price deviation to open safety trades(percentage) | |
take_profit_type | string | YES | base, total (base) | Percentage: base – from base order, total – from total volume |
strategy_list | array[json] | YES | For manual signals: [{"strategy":"manual"}] or [] For non-stop(1 pair only): [{"strategy":"nonstop"}] QFL: {"options"=>{"type"=>"original"}, "strategy"=>"qfl"}] TradingView: [{"options"=>{"time"=>"5m", "type"=>"buy_or_strong_buy"}, "strategy"=>"trading_view"} |
leverage_type | string | NO | custom, cross, not_specified, isolated (not_specified) | Used for Bitmex bots only |
leverage_custom_value | number | NO | required if leverage_type is custom | |
min_price | number | NO | minimum price to open deal | |
max_price | number | NO | maximum price to open deal | |
stop_loss_timeout_enabled | boolean | NO | ||
stop_loss_timeout_in_seconds | integer | NO | StopLoss timeout in seconds if StopLoss timeout enabled | |
min_volume_btc_24h | number | NO | ||
tsl_enabled | boolean | NO | Enable trailing stop loss. Bitmex only. | |
deal_start_delay_seconds | integer | NO | Deal start delay in seconds | |
profit_currency | string | NO | quote_currency, base_currency | Take profit currency |
start_order_type | string | NO | limit, market | |
stop_loss_type | string | NO | stop_loss, stop_loss_and_disable_bot | |
disable_after_deals_count | integer | NO | Bot will be disabled after opening this number of deals | |
allowed_deals_on_same_pair | integer | NO | Allow specific number of deals on the same pair. Multibot only. |
GET /ver1/bots
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
limit | integer | NO | (50) | Limit records. Max: 100 |
offset | integer | NO | Offset records | |
account_id | integer | NO | Account to show bots on. Return all if not specified. Gather this from GET /ver1/accounts | |
scope | string | NO | enabled, disabled | |
strategy | string | NO | long, short | |
sort_by | string | NO | profit, created_at, updated_at (created_at) | |
sort_direction | string | NO | asc, desc (desc) | |
quote | string | NO | Quote currency |
GET /ver1/bots/stats
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
account_id | integer | NO | Account to show on. Null - show for all. Gather this from GET /ver1/accounts | |
bot_id | integer | NO | Bots to show on. Null - show for all |
PATCH /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/update
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
name | string | YES | ||
pairs | array[string] | YES | ||
max_active_deals | integer | NO | (1) | |
base_order_volume | number | YES | Base order size | |
base_order_volume_type | string | NO | quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt | base order volume currency |
take_profit | number | YES | Target profit(percentage) | |
safety_order_volume | number | YES | Safety trade size | |
safety_order_volume_type | string | NO | quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt | safety order volume currency |
martingale_volume_coefficient | number | YES | (1) | |
martingale_step_coefficient | number | YES | (1) | |
max_safety_orders | integer | YES | Max safety trades count | |
active_safety_orders_count | integer | YES | Max active safety trades count | |
stop_loss_percentage | number | NO | ||
cooldown | number | NO | ||
trailing_enabled | boolean | NO | Enable trailing take profit. Binance only. | |
trailing_deviation | number | NO | required if trailing_enabled | |
btc_price_limit | number | NO | ||
safety_order_step_percentage | number | YES | Price deviation to open safety trades(percentage) | |
take_profit_type | string | YES | total, base (total) | Percentage: base – from base order, total – from total volume |
strategy_list | array[json] | YES | For manual signals: [{"strategy":"nonstop"}] or [] For non-stop(1 pair only): [{"strategy":"nonstop"}] QFL: {"options"=>{"type"=>"original"}, "strategy"=>"qfl"}] TradingView: [{"options"=>{"time"=>"5m", "type"=>"buy_or_strong_buy"}, "strategy"=>"trading_view"} |
leverage_type | string | NO | custom, cross, not_specified, isolated (not_specified) | Used for Bitmex bots only |
leverage_custom_value | number | NO | required if leverage_type is custom | |
min_price | number | NO | minimum price to open deal | |
max_price | number | NO | maximum price to open deal | |
stop_loss_timeout_enabled | boolean | NO | ||
stop_loss_timeout_in_seconds | integer | NO | StopLoss timeout in seconds if StopLoss timeout enabled | |
min_volume_btc_24h | number | NO | ||
tsl_enabled | boolean | NO | Enable trailing stop loss. Bitmex only. | |
deal_start_delay_seconds | integer | NO | Deal start delay in seconds | |
profit_currency | string | NO | quote_currency, base_currency | Take profit currency |
start_order_type | string | NO | limit, market | |
stop_loss_type | string | NO | stop_loss, stop_loss_and_disable_bot | |
disable_after_deals_count | integer | NO | Bot will be disabled after opening this number of deals | |
allowed_deals_on_same_pair | integer | NO | Allow specific number of deals on the same pair. Multibot only. | |
bot_id | integer | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/disable
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
bot_id | integer | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/enable
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
bot_id | integer | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/start_new_deal
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
pair | string | NO | Can be omited for simple bot | |
skip_signal_checks | boolean | NO | If false or not specified then all paramaters like signals or volume filters will be checked. If true - those checks will be skipped | |
skip_open_deals_checks | boolean | NO | If true then you will be allowed to open more then one deal per pair in composite bot | |
bot_id | integer | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/delete
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
bot_id | integer | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/panic_sell_all_deals
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
bot_id | integer | YES |
POST /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/cancel_all_deals
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
bot_id | integer | YES |
GET /ver1/bots/{bot_id}/show
Weight: 1
Name | Type | Mandatory | Values(default) | Description |
include_events | boolean | NO | ||
bot_id | integer | YES |
id: 5
account_id: 10
is_enabled: true
max_safety_orders: 5
active_safety_orders_count: 2
pairs: ['BTC_LTC', 'BTC_ETH', 'BTC_ADA'] Format: [QUOTE_BASE, ...]
strategy_list: [{'options'=>{'time'=>'5m', 'type'=>'buy_or_strong_buy'}, 'strategy'=>'trading_view'}, ...]
max_active_deals: 2
active_deals_count: 2
deletable?: true
created_at: 2018-08-08 08:08:08
updated_at: 2018-08-10 10:10:10
trailing_enabled: true
tsl_enabled: true
deal_start_delay_seconds: 60 Deal start delay in seconds
stop_loss_timeout_enabled: true
stop_loss_timeout_in_seconds: 2
disable_after_deals_count: 2
deals_counter: 2
allowed_deals_on_same_pair: 2
easy_form_supported: true
name: 'Test Bot'
take_profit: '1.5' 'Percentage'
base_order_volume: '0.002'
safety_order_volume: '0.0015'
safety_order_step_percentage: '1.1'
take_profit_type: 'base' Values: base, total
type: 'Bot::SingleBot' Values: ["Bot::MultiBot", "Bot::SingleBot", "Bot::SwitchBot"]
martingale_volume_coefficient: '1.3'
martingale_step_coefficient: '0.9'
stop_loss_percentage: '5.5'
cooldown: '200'
strategy: 'long' Values: long, short
min_volume_btc_24h: '500.5'
profit_currency: 'quote_currency' Values: quote_currency, base_currency
min_price: '0.0245'
max_price: '0.0123'
stop_loss_type: 'stop_loss' Values: stop_loss, stop_loss_and_disable_bot
safety_order_volume_type: 'base_currency'Values: quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt
base_order_volume_type: 'percent' Values: quote_currency, base_currency, percent, xbt
account_name: 'My account'
trailing_deviation: 0.14
finished_deals_profit_usd: 12.14
finished_deals_count: 252.1
leverage_type: 'not_specified' Values: custom, cross, not_specified, isolated
leverage_custom_value: '1'
start_order_type: 'limit' Values: limit, market