= FIXED - Text domain was loading too early, before other plugins/themes were initialized.
= ADDED - Integration with main plugin namespace
= IMPROVED - Activate Dilaz Metabox Plugin nag/notice message
= REMOVED - Font Awesome webfont icons for tab icons
= ADDED - Material Design webfont icons for tab icons
= FIXED - Empty plugin data returned when there's multiple PHP files in the plugin root directory
= FIXED - Check if 'DilazMetabox' class has been loaded in includes/load.php
= ADDED - /config-sample.php - Helps in preserving config parameters during updates
= FIXED - includes/use-type.php bugs
= FIXED - changed plugin 'dir_url' parameter from using '$plugin_name_lc' to using '$plugin_folder'
= ADDED - Repeatable Field options
= ADDED - 'DilazMetabox' plugin requirement error notifications