- fetch Metacritic and Rotten Tomatoes ratings (using OMDb-API)
- Google fonts from local files (for privacy reasons)
- fetch media types to filter by type
- default view now only lists type "movie"
- show year of movies in gallery view
- negative genre filters (shift + click to find movies not of a certain genre)
- exclude short movies from default overview and quick filters
- exclude animated movies from cast quick filter (to have mostly actual, not just voice actors)
- include IMDb's Top 250 ranking
- switch to SQLite for database backend
- quick filters for most referenced cast and directors
- added Bechdel test rating integration
- button to update movie information from IMDb
- added a basic template engine
- add custom movie posters by putting a JPEG file prefixed with
into the image directory
- filter usage (for cast and directors):
- click a filter to replace the current one
- shift + click a filter to add to the current ones
- interface for adding and editing movies
- first version controlled version