Given an integer array nums, return the maximum result of nums[i] XOR nums[j], where 0 <= i <= j < n.
Example 1:
Input: nums = [3,10,5,25,2,8]
Output: 28
Explanation: The maximum result is 5 XOR 25 = 28.
Lets Code
public int findMaximumXOR(int[] nums) {
int maxNo = nums[0];
for(int num: nums) maxNo = Math.max(maxNo, num);
int L = (Integer.toBinaryString(maxNo)).length();
int maxXOR = 0, currXOR;
Set<Integer> prefixes = new HashSet<Integer>();
for(int i=L-1; i>-1; i--){
maxXOR <<= 1;
currXOR = maxXOR | 1;
for(int num: nums) prefixes.add(num>>i);
for(int prefix: prefixes){
maxXOR = Math.max(maxXOR, currXOR);
return maxXOR;
Time complexity - O(N) where N is for first loop, 2^L-i * 2^L-i for second loop. Sum it and one will find the answer. Space complexity - O(1)