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Exercise 1 - Database Tables


You've already defined a group ID and created an ABAP package as described in the Getting Started section.

In this exercise you will create two database tables to store the travel and booking data. You'll also create a little helper class to populate some sample data into both tables.

The data model in this workshop consists of two transactional tables (travel and booking) as well as some master data that we will re-use from the already existing demo content (Agency, Customer and Flight), as well as a few more.

Data Model

Exercise 1.1 - Create the Travel database table

A Travel entity defines general travel data, such as the agency ID or customer ID, the overall status of the travel and the price of travel.

  1. Right click on your package ZRAP_TRAVEL_#### (where #### is your group ID), choose New > Other ABAP Repository Object from the context menu.

    Create Database Table

  2. Enter database in the search field, choose Database table in the list and then choose Next.

    Create Database Table

  3. Provide ZRAP_ATRAV_#### (where #### is your group ID) as name and a description (e.g. Travel data) in the appearing dialog and choose Next.

    Create Database Table

  4. Assign a transport request and choose Finish. The table is created and a new editor with the defaulted content is opened. The table-specific technical settings are specified using annotations at the top.

    Create Database Table

  5. Replace the source code with the code snippet provided below and replace all occurrences of #### with your group ID. You can make use of the Replace All feature (Ctrl+F) in ADT for this purpose.

     @EndUserText.label : 'Travel data'
     @AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #NOT_EXTENSIBLE
     @AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
     @AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #C
     @AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #RESTRICTED
     define table zrap_atrav_#### {
       key client            : mandt not null;
       key travel_uuid       : sysuuid_x16 not null;
       travel_id             : /dmo/travel_id;
       agency_id             : /dmo/agency_id;
       customer_id           : /dmo/customer_id;
       begin_date            : /dmo/begin_date;
       end_date              : /dmo/end_date;
       @Semantics.amount.currencyCode : 'zrap_atrav_####.currency_code'
       booking_fee           : /dmo/booking_fee;
       @Semantics.amount.currencyCode : 'zrap_atrav_####.currency_code'
       total_price           : /dmo/total_price;
       currency_code         : /dmo/currency_code;
       description           : /dmo/description;
       overall_status        : /dmo/overall_status;
       created_by            : syuname;
       created_at            : timestampl;
       last_changed_by       : syuname;
       last_changed_at       : timestampl;
       local_last_changed_at : timestampl;

    Create Database Table

    Short explanation:

    • Some data elements from the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario (namespace /DMO/) are used.
    • The table key consists of the CLIENT field and the TRAVEL_UUID field which is a technical key (16 Byte UUID).
    • A human-readable travel identifier: TRAVEL_ID
    • The field CURRENCY_CODE is specified as currency key for the amount fields BOOKING_FEE and TOTAL_PRICE using the semantic annotation @Semantics.amount.currencyCode
    • Some standard administrative fields are defined: CREATED_BY, CREATED_AT, LAST_CHANGED_BY, LAST_CHANGED_AT and LOCAL_LAST_CHANGED_AT.
  6. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

Exercise 1.2 - Create the Booking database table

A Booking entity comprises general flight and booking data, the customer ID for whom the flight is booked as well as the travel ID to which the booking belongs to – and some admin fields.

  1. Right click on the Database Tables folder, choose New Database Table from the context menu.

    Create Database Table

  2. Maintain ZRAP_ABOOK_#### (where #### is your group ID) as name and a description (e.g. Booking data) in the appearing dialog and choose Next.

    Create Database Table

  3. Assign a transport request and choose Finish. The table is created and a new editor with the defaulted content is opened.

    Create Database Table

  4. Replace the default source code with the code snippet provided below and replace all occurrences of #### with your group ID. You can make use of the Replace All feature (shortcut Ctrl+F) in ADT for this purpose.

     @EndUserText.label : 'Booking data'
     @AbapCatalog.enhancementCategory : #NOT_EXTENSIBLE
     @AbapCatalog.tableCategory : #TRANSPARENT
     @AbapCatalog.deliveryClass : #C
     @AbapCatalog.dataMaintenance : #RESTRICTED
     define table zrap_abook_#### {
       key client            : mandt not null;
       key booking_uuid      : sysuuid_x16 not null;
       travel_uuid           : sysuuid_x16 not null;
       booking_id            : /dmo/booking_id;
       booking_date          : /dmo/booking_date;
       customer_id           : /dmo/customer_id;
       carrier_id            : /dmo/carrier_id;
       connection_id         : /dmo/connection_id;
       flight_date           : /dmo/flight_date;
       @Semantics.amount.currencyCode : 'zrap_abook_####.currency_code'
       flight_price          : /dmo/flight_price;
       currency_code         : /dmo/currency_code;
       created_by            : syuname;
       last_changed_by       : syuname;
       local_last_changed_at : timestampl;

    Create Database Table

    Short explanation:

    • The table key consists of the CLIENT field and the BOOKING_UUID field which is a technical key (16 Byte UUID).
    • A human-readable travel identifier: BOOKING_ID
    • Some standard administrative fields are defined: CREATED_BY, LAST_CHANGED_BY, and LOCAL_LAST_CHANGED_AT.
  5. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

Exercise 1.3 - Fill the Tables with Demo Data

Create a little helper class to fill some demo data into the previously created tables. For this purpose, demo data provided by the ABAP Flight Reference Scenario (main package: /DMO/FLIGHT) will be used.

  1. Right click on your package ZRAP_TRAVEL_#### and choose New > ABAP Class from the context menu.

    Generate Demo Data

  2. Provide ZCL_GENERATE_DEMO_DATA_#### (where #### is your group ID) as name and a description (e.g. Generate travel and booking demo data) in the creation wizard for the new ABAP class and choose Next.

    Generate Demo Data

  3. Assign a transport request and choose Finish. Replace the entire code with the snippet provided below and replace all occurrences of #### with your group ID.

     CLASS zcl_generate_demo_data_#### DEFINITION
         INTERFACES if_oo_adt_classrun.
     CLASS zcl_generate_demo_data_#### IMPLEMENTATION.
       METHOD if_oo_adt_classrun~main.
         " delete existing entries in the database table
         DELETE FROM zrap_atrav_####.
         DELETE FROM zrap_abook_####.
         " insert travel demo data
         INSERT zrap_atrav_#### FROM (
               FROM /dmo/travel
                 uuid(  )      AS travel_uuid           ,
                 travel_id     AS travel_id             ,
                 agency_id     AS agency_id             ,
                 customer_id   AS customer_id           ,
                 begin_date    AS begin_date            ,
                 end_date      AS end_date              ,
                 booking_fee   AS booking_fee           ,
                 total_price   AS total_price           ,
                 currency_code AS currency_code         ,
                 description   AS description           ,
                 CASE status
                   WHEN 'B' THEN 'A' " accepted
                   WHEN 'X' THEN 'X' " cancelled
                   ELSE 'O'          " open
                 END           AS overall_status        ,
                 createdby     AS created_by            ,
                 createdat     AS created_at            ,
                 lastchangedby AS last_changed_by       ,
                 lastchangedat AS last_changed_at       ,
                 lastchangedat AS local_last_changed_at
                 ORDER BY travel_id UP TO 200 ROWS
         COMMIT WORK.
         " insert booking demo data
         INSERT zrap_abook_#### FROM (
               FROM   /dmo/booking    AS booking
                 JOIN zrap_atrav_#### AS z
                 ON   booking~travel_id = z~travel_id
                 uuid( )                 AS booking_uuid          ,
                 z~travel_uuid           AS travel_uuid           ,
                 booking~booking_id      AS booking_id            ,
                 booking~booking_date    AS booking_date          ,
                 booking~customer_id     AS customer_id           ,
                 booking~carrier_id      AS carrier_id            ,
                 booking~connection_id   AS connection_id         ,
                 booking~flight_date     AS flight_date           ,
                 booking~flight_price    AS flight_price          ,
                 booking~currency_code   AS currency_code         ,
                 z~created_by            AS created_by            ,
                 z~last_changed_by       AS last_changed_by       ,
                 z~last_changed_at       AS local_last_changed_by
         COMMIT WORK.
         out->write( 'Travel and booking demo data inserted.').
  4. Save save icon and activate activate icon the changes.

  5. Press F9 to run the ABAP class as a console application. As a result, you will see a success message in the console.

    Generate Demo Data

  6. You can preview the data from the travel and booking tables. Choose the relevant table (ZRAP_ATRAV_#### or ZRAP_ABOOK_####) in the Project Explorer and press F8.


Now that you've...

  • created both database tables and
  • filled them with sample data,

you can continue with - Exercise 2 - Core Data Services (CDS) Data Model


Find the source code for the database tables and the helper class in the sources folder. Don't forget to replace the placeholder #### with your group ID.