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File metadata and controls

352 lines (211 loc) · 14.7 KB

Exercise 3 - Create Customer Detail Tabs page with Address info and Order List

In this exercise you will create a new page using Tabs page type and will add a profile header and tab items to display the customer specific information like Address and Sales Orders.

Exercise 3.1 - Create a Tab page

Tabs control allows you to have list of tab items where each tab item is bound to a related page. You can use Tabs control to navigate between pages that are related and share same level of hierarchy.

Tabs pages also support displaying the header above the tabs so you can have a persistent header (Object, KPI and Profile).

  1. In SAP Business Application Studio project, right-click the Customers | MDK: New Page.


  2. Select Tabs Page and click Next.


  3. Enter the Page Name as Customers_tab and click Next and the Finish on the confirmation step.


  4. In the Properties pane set the Caption to Customer Details.


Exercise 3.2 - Add a Profile Header

Next, you will add a Profile Header container to display information like first name, last name and will add activity items to trigger a phone call or open an email client.

  1. In the Layout Editor, expand the Controls | Container section, drag and drop the Profile Header control onto the page area.


  1. In the Appearance section of the Properties pane, bind the Profile Header properties with the Customers entity set properties.

    Provide the below information:

    Property Value
    Description Remove the default value and leave it blank
    DetailImage Remove the default value and leave it blank
    Headline {FirstName} {LastName}
    Subheadline Remove the default value and leave it blank


    In the Data | ActivityItems section of the Properties pane, click + icon to add a new activity item.


  2. Click the link icon to open the Object browser for the Phone activity and bind it to the PhoneNumber property of the Customer entity.


  3. Similarly, add one more activity item, select Email from the dropdown and bind it to EmailAddress property of the Customer entity. You should now have total 2 activity items.


Exercise 3.3 - Create a new page bound to the first tab item to display Customer Address

You will update the default tab item properties and create a new page bound to this tab to display the Customer Address.

  1. Select the tab item and provide the below information in the Properties pane to display Customers list.

    Property Value
    Caption Address
    Image sap-icon://addresses
    Name Address


  2. In PageToOpen, click the 3 icons, click Create a page.


  3. In the Select Folder window, set the Folders path to /MDKApp/Pages/Customers and click OK.


  4. Select Section Page and click Next.


  5. Enter the Page Name as Customers_Address and click Next and the Finish on the confirmation step.


  6. The newly created will open automatically in the page editor. In the main area of the page, let's display some other details like: address, city, postal code, country, phone and email address.

    Drag and drop a Static Key Value container onto the page.


  7. Expand the Container Item section of the Controls palette and drag and drop a Key Value Item onto the Static Key Value container on the page.


  8. Provide the below information:

    Property Value
    KeyName Address
    Value {HouseNumber} {Street}


  9. Repeat the process and drag 5 more Key Value Items onto the Static Key Value section and bind those to other customer's properties as below:


  10. Let's also display the address in a formatted way.

    Drag and drop a Static Key Value container onto the page below the existing container.


  11. Update the NumberOfColumns to 1.


  12. Expand the Container Item section of the Controls palette and drag and drop a Key Value Item onto the Static Key Value container on the page.


  13. Provide the KeyName as Formatted Address.


  14. For the Formatterd Address's value, you will create a new rule and bind it to the value property. Click the Create a Rule icon.


  15. In the Select Folder window, select the /MDKApp/Rules/Customers folder to create a new rule and click OK.


  16. Enter the Rule name FormatAddress, click Next and then Finish on the confirmation step.


  17. The newly created rule file FormatAddress.js will open automatically in the rule editor.

    Replace the generated snippet with below code and save the changes if not done automatically.

// Helper function to return if the value passed into the function is empty
function isValEmpty(val) {
    return (val === undefined || val == null || val.length <= 0 || val === 'undefined');

export default function FormatAddress(context) {
	var addrBlock = '';

	// If the house number has a value include it in the address block
	if (!isValEmpty(context.binding.HouseNumber)) {
		addrBlock = addrBlock + context.binding.HouseNumber + ' ' + context.binding.Street;

	// If at least one of (city, state or postal code) is populated add that to the address block
	if (!isValEmpty(context.binding.City) || !isValEmpty(context.binding.PostalCode)) {
		// Add a new line if there is something already in the address block	
		if (addrBlock.length > 0) {
			addrBlock = addrBlock + '\n'
		// If the city has a value include it in the address block
		if (!isValEmpty(context.binding.City)) {
			addrBlock = addrBlock + context.binding.City;
		// If the post caode has a value include it in the address block		
		if (!isValEmpty(context.binding.PostalCode)) {
			addrBlock = addrBlock + ", " + context.binding.PostalCode;
	// If the country has a value include it in the address block	
	if (!isValEmpty(context.binding.Country)) {
		// Add a new line if there is something already in the address block
		if (addrBlock.length > 0) {
			addrBlock = addrBlock + '\n'
		addrBlock = addrBlock + context.binding.Country;

	return addrBlock;

Exercise 3.4 - Add an additional Tab item

You will now add an additional tab item to display the customer's Sales orders.

  1. Navigate to Pages |Customers |, select the Tabs Control, click Add to a new tab item.


  2. Provide the below information:

    Property Value
    Caption Sales Orders
    Image sap-icon://sales-order
    Name SalesOrders


Exercise 3.5 - Create a new page bound to the second tab item displaying Customer's Sales Orders

  1. In PageToOpen property for item1, click the 3 icons, click Create a page.


  2. In the Select Folder window, set the Folders path to /MDKApp/Pages/Customers and click OK.


    Note: Known Issue#1

  3. Select Section Page and click Next.


  4. Enter the Page Name Customers_SalesOrders and click Next and the Finish on the confirmation step.


  5. The newly created page will open automatically in the page editor. In the page, add an Object Table compound to display information like sales order ID, order creation date, gross amount and life cycle status name.

    In the Layout Editor, expand the Controls | Compound section, drag and drop the Object Table control onto the page area.


  6. In the Properties | Target pane, provide below information:

    Property Value
    Service Select SampleServiceV2.service from the dropdown
    Entity Select {@odata.readLink}/SalesOrders from the dropdown
    QueryOptions $orderby=CreatedAt desc


    The odata.readLink annotation contains the read URL of the entity or collection.

    SalesOrders is a navigation property in Customer entity to SalesOrderHeader entity. You can find this information in OData service metadata document.


    QueryOptions expression will filter order entries returned in descending when sorted by the order creation date property. MDK

  7. Now, start binding Object Table properties with SalesOrderHeaders entity set properties.

    In the Appearance section of the Properties pane, provide the below information:

    Property Value
    Description Remove the default value and leave it blank
    DetailImage Remove the default value and leave it blank
    Footnote {SalesOrderId}
    PreserveIconStackSpacing select false from the dropdown
    ProgressIndicator Remove the default value and leave it blank
    Status {LifeCycleStatusName}
    Subhead Remove the default value and leave it blank
    Substatus $(C,{GrossAmount},{CurrencyCode},'',{minimumIntegerDigits:1,minimumFractionDigits:2,maximumFractionDigits:2,useGrouping:true})
    Title Order Date: $(D,{CreatedAt},'','',{format:'medium'})


    $(C,{GrossAmount},{CurrencyCode},'',{maximumFractionDigits:2,useGrouping:true}) is an expression of how to format currency value, end result would be like €200.44. By default it will be formatted to the device's locale setting. More details on Currency Formatter is available in documentation.


    $(D,{CreatedAt},'','',{format:'medium'}) is an expression of how to format a date, end result would be like June 20, 2020. By default it will be formatted to the device's locale setting. More details on Date Formatter is available in documentation.


  8. In the EmptySection, provide No Customer Orders for the Caption property.


  9. You will link the Object Table to the NavToSalesOrderHeaders_Detail.action so that when you select a sales order, the will open. MDK automatically passes the selected sales order to the details page.

    Switch to the Events tab, select the Object Table, click the 3 dots icon for the OnPress event to open the Object Browser, double-click the NavToSalesOrderHeaders_Detail.action and click OK to set it as the OnPress Action.


Exercise 3.6 - Navigate from the Customer List to the Customer Tab page

  1. In the NavToCustomer_Detail.action, you will update the PageToOpen property of the navigation action to open the Customer tab page.

  2. Navigate to Actions | Customers | NavToCustomer_Detail.action, update the PageToOpen property by selecting the from the dropdown.


Exercise 3.7 - Redeploy the application

  1. Right-click the file in the project explorer pane, select MDK: Deploy and then select deploy target as Mobile & Cloud.


Exercise 3.8 - Update the MDK app with new metadata


  1. Re-launch the app on your device, authenticate with passcode or Biometric authentication if asked. You will see a Confirmation pop-up, tap OK.

  2. Tap on any record in the Customers tab, Overview page where you can navigate across tabs to see the page content.

Android iOS


  1. Either click the highlighted button or refresh the web page to load the changes.


    Note 1: If you see the error 404 Not Found: Requested route ( does not exist. while accessing the web application, make sure that in your space cockpit, highlight applications are in started state. MDK

    Note 2: If you see the error Failed to initialize data service - Error 400 (Bad Request): GET/nsMDKApp/SampleServiceV2/?sap-language=en, make sure that total user registrations shouldn't be more than 3 in the mobile app configuration. If so, delete one entry and refresh the page.

  2. Click any record in the Customers tab, Overview page where you can navigate across tabs to see the page content.



You've now created a Tabs page to show the Customer Address and Sales Orders replacing the default Customer Detail page.

Continue to - Exercise 4 - Add Another tab item to Bottom Navigation page from second service