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Functional Requirements
Last edited: 10.09.2014
GROUP: List all buttons/interface elements on your screen, what they do and how they do it if applicable (Calculator), what they access if applicable, etc.
File sizes for this app will typically be described in terms of Kb since most of the data will be contained within text files for the references and small image files for diagrams.
The Home screen of this app will be the first screen the users sees when he/she opens the app. Each screen in the app, including Home, will include an Android action bar (features to be determined) for necessary general features. The Home screen, specifically, will include the ableSC logo displayed underneath the action bar, followed by four buttons that lead to the necessary areas of the app.
- Browse will send the user to a screen with the document divided up into the most general chapters/sections.
- Calculator opens a function on a new screen for the user to verify measurements of walkways, doorways, etc. taken in the field by comparing them to values stored in the app via dimension input.
- Favorites opens a simple screen in which all of the user's "bookmarked" or "favorited" chapters/standards. Users will have the ability to favorite a topic by pressing a yellow star located in the corner of each standard.
- 2010 Document (name subject to change) is simply a link to the full document of 2010 ADA Standards should the user be more comfortable viewing it this way.
- About and Contact will display screens with information about the app's version, development, etc. and various methods to get in touch with the developers, respectively.
Favorites includes an Android action bar (features to be determined) for necessary general features. This screen is meant for the display and access of "bookmarked" or "favorited" topics and standards chosen by the user. Each topic will have its own button containing a link to said topic and a title containing the standard number and name.
- If the user has no favorites when he/she enters this screen, the screen will display a dialogue box with the message "You currently have no favorites to display." followed by a button that will send the user to the same place as the Browse button on the Home screen.
This screen includes an Android action bar (features to be determined) for necessary general features.
Browse includes an Android action bar (features to be determined) for necessary general features. This screen will list sections of the ADA standards hierarchically.
- When the user taps on a section, the subsections will be listed below it.
- When the user taps the search box, the keyboard will pop up and prompt the user to begin typing. As text is input, relevant sections and subsections will be shown. Tapping a section or subsection will take the user to the relevant page(s).
This screen includes an Android action bar (features to be determined) for necessary general features.