- Pamela Dingle (Microsoft Identity)
- Tim Cappalli (Microsoft Identity)
- Danny Mayer
- Danny Zollner (Microsoft Identity)
- Matt Peterson (One Identity)
- Phil Hunt
- Paul Lanzi (Remediant)
- Ryan Bradley
- Update on Birds of a Feather submission
- Review of interest list
- Discussion of drafting charter
- Submitted, haven't heard back yet if we are approved
- Submission is here: https://hackmd.io/B6C1j-QIRIqCixibHt6tMw
- Our area = ART = Application & Real Time
- Discussion that area directors will look for ~20 ppl minimum to support moving forward
- Phil noted that IETF will pick the chairs, and prefer to have one who has done IETF chair-ing previously
- Next up: Contact the area directors (Francesca + Murray) and engage them in conversation, seek advice, etc.
- Is Leif available to continue on? Pam doesn't know. Continue to copy him on correspondance with Area Directors. Do we have contact with others with IETF experience?
- Next up: Make more acquintances/friends
- Discussion of tying in with IDPro and doing a survey with/through them. Use simplecloud.info to host the survey?
- What should the survey ask?
- Does your organization use SCIM?
- Do you maintain a SCIM client?
- Do you maintain a SCIM server?
- Are you a multi-tenant platform? If so, how many tenants?
- How many SCIM connections do you service today?
- Are you using it for provisioning, for a directory, or both?
- Are you using SCIM for something besides users and groups?
- Have you extended SCIM (via schemas, new objects, etc.)
- Are there business problems that you wanted to, or tried to solve with SCIM but found SCIM lacking? If so, what did you use/implement instead?
Interest gauging questions
Danny Z, Tim, Phil, Paul, Matt
- Matt P to present the Cursor draft (15-20 mins)