- Make sure you have a valid Akash database first.
- Make sure you have a valid User database. If the user database is empty, the necessary tables will be created automatically.
- Create a
file with the necessary environment variables. - Run
npm install
to install dependencies. - Start the app with
npm start
You can make sure the api is working by accessing the status endpoint: http://localhost:3080/status
When running the api locally the following environment variables can be set in a .env
Name | Value | Note |
Network | mainnet or testnet |
Specify if the api should be in mainnet or testnet mode. Default: mainnet . |
RestApiNodeUrl | ex: "https://api.akashnet.net" |
Rest api to use. Will default to "https://rest.cosmos.directory/akash" for mainnet and "https://api.testnet-02.aksh.pw:443" for testnet. |
HealthchecksEnabled | true or false |
Specify if the Scheduler should send health check pings. |
SentryDSN | ex: "https://1234...789@z645.ingest.sentry.io/1234" |
Sentry DSN used when initializing Sentry |
AkashDatabaseCS | ex: postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/cloudmos-akash |
Akash Database Connection String |
AkashTestnetDatabaseCS | ex: postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/cloudmos-akash-testnet |
Akash Testnet Database Connection String |
UserDatabaseCS | ex: postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/cloudmos-users |
User Database Connection String |
Auth0JWKSUri | ex: 'https://1a2b3c.us.auth0.com/.well-known/jwks.json' |
Auth0Audience | ex: 'https://api.cloudmos.io' |
Auth0Issuer | ex: 'https://dev-5aprb0lr.us.auth0.com/' |
Auth0Issuer | ex: 'https://auth.cloudmos.io/' |
StripeSecretKey | ex: sk_test_12aw315wdawd3...293d12d32df8jf |
WebsiteUrl | http://localhost:3001 |