function [X] = fstsol(T,B) %FSTSOL Solve linear systems X*BT = B / BT*X = B, where BT is a % symmetric positive definite (block) Toeplitz matrix, % given the first (block) row / column T of BT. % % X = FSTSOL(T,B) solves the linear system % X*BT = B / BT*X = B. % % See also FSTOEP, FSTCHOL, FSTGEN, FSTUPD % % RELEASE 2.0 of SLICOT Basic Systems and Control Toolbox. % Based on SLICOT RELEASE 5.7, Copyright (c) 2002-2020 NICONET e.V. % % V. Sima 20-12-2000. % Revised: Mar. 2009. % ni = nargin; nout = nargout; % if ni == 2, % % Factorization and solution. % if nout == 1, X = fstoep(11,T,B); else error('Improper number of output arguments.') end else error('Improper number of input arguments.') end % % end fstsol