Queue handling library (designed on Arduino) 2017-2024 SMFSW
Feel free to share your thoughts @ xgarmanboziax@gmail.com about: - issues encountered - optimizations - improvements & new functionalities
** Actual:
v2.0: 15 Apr 2024:
- No more inlines in header file (to generate proper static library)
- MISRA refactoring
v1.11: 18 Dec 2022:
- Include missing stddef.h
v1.10: 15 Nov 2022:
- SimpleQueueStatic.ino example added
- Constructor parameters added to setup a queue from statically allocated data area
- Constructor refactoring for consistency and robustness (when using queue functions regardless init performed with success)
- Doxyfiles update
- Outdated travisCI status in README.md removed
- LICENSE years update
v1.9.1: 14 Jan 2021:
- SerialQueue.ino example added
v1.9: 4 Nov 2020:
- Queue class renamed to cppQueue
v1.8: 4 Nov 2019:
- const qualifiers added where missing
- Added peekIdx and peekPrevious methods
- Added related examples
v1.7: 2 Jun 2019:
- Fixed README.md thanks to @reydelleon
- INC_IDX & DEC_IDX macros changed to inlines
- Added nonnull function attribute where needed
- Updated Doxyfile
v1.6 26 May 2018:
- Constructor does not check anymore if class instance is already allocated (as it supposedly isn't)
- Added getRemainingCount inline returning how much records are left in the queue
- Added sizeOf inline to check full queue size in byte (may also be used to check if queue has been allocated properly)
- Adding support for unit tests and doxygen documentation generation with Travis CI (using travis-ci-arduino from adafruit before custom bash files needed)
- Travis bash scripts found in SMFSW travis-ci-arduino forked repository
- Removed Doxygen anchor with version in source headers
- Updated README.md
- Added more example sketches & updated LibTst example using latest inlines additions
v1.5 14 March 2018:
- Added isInitialized inline to be able to check after init if queue has been properly allocated
- Added flush inline (to have the same functions as in cQueue library)
- LIFO peek temporary variable is uint16_t (same type as in variable)
- Comments fixes
v1.4 21 November 2017:
- Added const qualifier for function parameters
v1.3 12 July 2017:
- #2 fix for esp8266: renamed cpp/h files : header name already used in compiler sys includes
- examples updated with new header file name (cppQueue.h)
- comply with Arduino v1.5+ IDE source located in src subfolder
v1.2 07 July 2017:
- #1 added pull inline for compatibility with older versions (v1.0)
- #2 surrounded c libs with extern C
v1.1 06 July 2017:
- pop keyword used (instead of pull)
- peek & drop functions added
- examples updated to reflect latest changes
v1.0 22 March 2017:
- First release