Bibliognost: "one who possesses an encyclopedic knowledge of books and bibliography". Bibliognost uses Google Books API search engine to help you find books you love. Built with GraphQL and Apollo server using MERN stack with React front-end, MongoDB database, and Node.js/Express.js server and API.
- Apollo server
- ES6
- GraphQL
- Javascript
- MERN stack: -- MongoDB -- Express -- React -- Node.js
- @apollo/react-hooks
- @testing-library/jest-dom
- @testing-library/react
- @testing-library/user-event
- apollo-boost
- apollo-server-express
- bootstrap
- bcrypt
- express
- graphql
- graphql-tag
- jsonwebtoken
- jwt-decode
- mongoose
- react
- react-bootstrap
- react-dom
- react-images
- react-photo-gallery
- react-router-dom
- react-scripts
Deployed on Heroku:
Made with ☕+❤️ by Sara Krizan and in consultation with several LAs, TA, and learning instructor through the University of Wisconsin Extended Campus Coding Bootcamp.
Please feel free to contact me via my GitHub account below with any requests to contribute to this project or collaborate on future works.
Sara Krizan