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FB4D Reference IFirebaseUser

Christoph Schneider edited this page May 2, 2019 · 3 revisions

Interface IFirebaseUser

This interface provides only getter functions that are used to retrieve details of the user profile and the access token.

Get User Identification UID

To identify a user, Firebase defines the UID as a random string of 28 characters of the following alphabet:


Get EMail Address

Check if an email address exists:

function IsEMailAvailable: boolean;

Check whether the email is for an existing account:

function IsEMailRegistered: TThreeStateBoolean;

Returns true if the user's email is verified:

function IsEMailVerified: TThreeStateBoolean;

Retrieve the email address of the user:

function EMail: string;

Get User Display Name

Normally, the user's display name allows the user to choose freely and is used for display within an application (for example, a chat). Note that Firebase does not ensure that there is only one user with the same name for this field.

function IsDisplayNameAvailable: boolean;
function DisplayName: string;

Get Photo URL for User Avatar or Photo

To identify the user via a photo or avatar the PhotoURL can be used:

function IsPhotoURLAvailable: boolean;
function PhotoURL: string;

Get User Account State and Timestamps

Returns true if the user account was disabled:

function IsDisabled: TThreeStateBoolean;

Returns true if the user new created:

function IsNew#User: boolean;

Is the timestamp of the last login available?

function IsLastLoginAtAvailable: boolean;

Timestamp of the last login:

function LastLoginAt: TDateTime;

When was the user registered in Firebase?

function IsCreatedAtAvailable: boolean;
function CreatedAt: TDateTime;

Get Token Details and Claim Fields

Return the access token as string:

function Token: string;

When will the access token be expired:

function ExpiresAt: TDateTime;

In order to refresh the access token without to re-sign-in the refresh-token needs to be send to the Firebase Authentication Service. This will be done usually automatically within the FB4D. For getting the refresh token use the following function:

function RefreshToken: string;

The following 3 functions are available only when the conditional compiling switch TOKENJWT is defined. For more details see the next chapter ITokenJWT

function TokenJWT: ITokenJWT;

This functions returns a list with all claim field names in the JWTToken. In addition to the standard fields of the Firebase Authorization Service, it is possible to add also project specific fields on server side by writing an Firebase Function that extends the JWTToken. This can be used for example to integrate an own access level into the token.

function ClaimFieldNames: TStrings;

This functions returns the contant of a claim field as JSON value.

function ClaimField(const FieldName: string): TJSONValue;
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