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[2] Entity MapWrapper

Jan Sigrist edited this page Apr 10, 2024 · 4 revisions
  1. Add it in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
 buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  allprojects {
    repositories {
	maven { url '' }
  1. Add gradle dependency
  implementation 'com.github.Kaufland.andcouchbaseentity:couchbase-entity-api:3.1.0'
  kapt 'com.github.Kaufland.andcouchbaseentity:couchbase-entity:3.1.0'
  1. Optionally, if you use Couchbase 2.x.x (provides already implemented connector)
  implementation 'com.github.Kaufland.andcouchbaseentity:couchbase-entity-connector:3.1.0@aar'

NOTE: For custom connectors see



  1. Configure library
  • Add the following code in your Application.kt
  public void onCreate() {
           PersistenceConfig.configure(object : Couchbase2Connector() {
            override fun getDatabase(name: String): Database {
                if (DB == name) {
                    //for better performance when using queries may consider create some Indexes
                    return database!!
                throw RuntimeException("wrong db name defined!!")

NOTE: For other databases implement your own connector

  • Annotate classes to generate entities (all generated classes have the suffix Entity or Wrapper (used for child entities or map wrapping)
@Entity(database = Application.DB)
        Field(name = "type", type = String::class, defaultValue = "product", readonly = true),
        Field(name = "name", type = String::class),
        Field(name = "comments", type = UserComment::class, list = true),
        Field(name = "image", type = Blob::class),
        Field(name = "identifiers", type = String::class, list = true)
        Query(fields = ["type"])
open class Product{

    companion object{

        fun someComplexQuery(param1 : String){
            //do some heavy logic here
  • Use generated classes and be happy :-)

There are two different ways to interact with the entity / mapWrapper

  • Example 1: use fluent API to modify multiple properties.
                             .setComment("feeling like touch the sky")
                               .exit())).setImage(Blob("image/jpeg", resources.openRawResource(R.raw.ic_kaufland_placeholder)))
  • Example 2: get / set data via kotlin property syntax
var data = ProductEntity.create() = "Tomatoes"
    data.comments = listOf(UserCommentWrapper.create().builder().setComment("don't like there color").exit(),
               UserCommentWrapper.create().builder().setComment("worst experience ever!!").exit())
    data.image = Blob("image/jpeg", resources.openRawResource(R.raw.ic_kaufland_placeholder))

NOTE : To modify child entities it's neccessary to invoke the setter before saving the parent entity

 final List<UserCommentWrapper> data = getParentEntity().getComments();
 try {
     ProductEntity entity = getParentEntity();
     } catch (PersistenceException e) {
     Log.e(TAG, "failed to save Entity", e);


By using the @Query annotation the Framework automatically generates static methods to execute this queries and returns the resulted entities

       Field(name = "type", type = String::class, defaultValue = "product", readonly = true),
       Field(name = "name", type = String::class)
       Query(fields = ["type"]),
       Query(fields = ["type", "name"])

Above Code generates Methods which can be used like

val resultByType = MyEntity.findByType()
val resultByTypeAndName = MyEntity.findbyTypeAndName("beer")

The Query generation may not fit all needs for this cases you can define a query by yourself and use the @GenerateAccessor annotation to make it available in the GeneratedEntity

@Entity(database = "mydb_db")
//Fields and Queries add them here
open class Product{

   companion object{

       fun someComplexQuery(param1 : String){
           //do some heavy logic here


By using the @SchemaClass annotation the Framework automatically generates a class that contains all the fields as properties. The fields are mapped to one of four types, determined by the parameters provided for each field, along with a generic derived from the "type" parameter.

The type is determined based on the following criteria:

  1. CMList: When the "list" parameter is marked as true.
  2. CMObject: If the "type" parameter is assigned to another class that also has the @SchemaClass annotation.
  3. CMObjectList: When both the "list" parameter is true and the "type" parameter is set to a class that is annotated with @SchemaClass.
  4. CMField: When none of the above apply.

If a defaultValue is given, it also creates a default property for this field.

        Field(name = "type", type = String::class, defaultValue = "product", readonly = true),
        Field(name = "name", type = String::class)
class Product

The Code above generates a class like this:

open class ProductSchema(
    path: String = ""
) : Schema {
    val DEFAULT_TYPE: String = "product"

    val type: CMField<String> = CMField("type", path)

    val name: CMField<String> = CMField("name", path)
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