IRuby is a Ruby kernel for Jupyter project.
You can try IRuby with a sample notebook on Binder (the same link as the banner placed above):
The following URL launches JupyterLab directly on Binder.
The following requirements are automatically installed.
The following dependencies are optional.
See the official document to know how to install Jupyter Notebook and/or JupyterLab.
sudo apt install libtool libffi-dev ruby ruby-dev make
gem install --user-install iruby
iruby register --force
The latest IRuby requires Ruby >= 2.4 while Ubuntu's official Ruby package is version 2.3. So you need to install Ruby >= 2.4 by yourself before preparing IRuby. We recommend to use rbenv.
sudo apt install libtool libffi-dev ruby ruby-dev make
gem install --user-install iruby
iruby register --force
sudo dnf install ruby ruby-dev make zeromq-devel
gem install --user-install iruby
iruby register --force
DevKit is necessary for building RubyGems with native C-based extensions.
gem install iruby
iruby register --force
Install ruby with rbenv or rvm. Install Jupyter.
gem install iruby
iruby register --force
If you are using macports, run the following commands.
port install libtool autoconf automake autogen
gem install iruby
iruby register --force
Try RubyData Docker Stacks. Running jupyter notebook:
docker run --rm -it -p 8888:8888 rubydata/datascience-notebook
You can use Java classes in your IRuby notebook.
- JRuby version >=
- iruby gem
After installation, make sure that your env
is set up to use jruby.
env ruby -v
If you use RVM, it is enough to switch the current version to jruby.
If you have already used IRuby with a different version, you need to generate a new kernel:
iruby register --force
Be careful to use the development version because it is usually unstable.
If you want to install the development version of IRuby from the source code, try specific_install.
gem specific_install
CZTop adapter has been deprecated since IRuby version 0.7.4. It will be removed after several versions.
If you want to use IRuby with CZTop, you need to install it and CZMQ.
If both ffi-rzmq and cztop are installed, ffi-rzmq is used. If you prefer cztop, set the following environment variable.
There are two backends: PlainBackend and PryBackend.
You can switch the backend to PryBackend by running the code below.
Take a look at the example notebook and the collection of notebooks which includes a Dockerfile to create a containerized installation of iruby and other scientific gems. You can find the prebuild image at dockerhub.
Contributions to IRuby are very welcome.
To former contributors
In February 2021, IRuby became the canonical repository and is no longer a fork from minrk/iruby. Please fork from this repository again before making pull requests.
Copyright (c) IRuby contributors and the Ruby Science Foundation.
Licensed under the MIT license.